Madeleine Meuwessen

Day cuckoo floor

"Coincidentally", a few years after making the blossom remedy Day Cuckoo Flower, I came across the following little poem:

Cicely Mary Baker wrote her first Flower Children books in 1923.Day cuckoo flower

The Day Cuckoo
Merrily he stands along the roads,
always enjoying the day.
And if you like picking him,
Says he beaming that it is allowed.

Because he loves to be admired so much
- and preferably by humans and animals-
it's like all his flowers
Gently beckoning: come here!

For exam anxiety, the flower remedy Day Cuckoo Flower is of great importance.
I can imagine it is not so easy to know which remedy to take next when the school exam, a test, a job application or taking your driver's licence test is just around the corner.

I have written under the blossom remedies Cucumber Spice and Cucumber Spice II that these too are important in an exam or job application.

The difference lies in:

Suppose you know you have to take an exam or a job application. If this has kept you busy for weeks, it is important to take Dagkoekbloem as soon as worries about the exam or job application keep you busy.
The cause is a lack of self-confidence and you expect failure in advance because you doubt your own abilities.

Is it that just before the exams you are afraid of blacking out or the you really have the answers at that point don't know anymore or that you suddenly lose heart and can't utter a word when applying for a job, then the flower remedies Cucumberwort and Cucumberwort II are of great importance.

If you are not sure if both negative moods can play a role (which is also quite possible) then you can mix all three flower remedies in a 30 ml. pipette bottle and start taking this combination a few weeks in advance.

Until here about exams or job applications.

Day cuckoo flower has a fear of anything new.
They suffer truly under tensions created by cherished expectations, stage fright and exam anxiety.

If you consider yourself less sturdy than others, if you doubt your own abilities, if you admire others for their success, if you have a fear of falling short, if you easily lose heart, if you give up on certain things quickly, if you don't even try many things already, if you have a fear of embarrassment or failure, if you always feel timid, if you feel you have an inferiority complex and that you have a deep respect for authorities, Dagkoekbloem helps to transform these feelings into inner strength and power. It makes you steadfast and the solar plexus stronger too.

A cause (there are several) of impotence can also be a lack of self-confidence resulting in the feeling: Whoever fails in bed is simply considered a failure

Day cuckoo underlies many negative moods.

A physical clue to this may be that you experience rapid abdominal discomfort just above your navel. This can be a kind of nausea or a faint feeling or some kind of pressure.

Children who go to school and indicate they have a real tummy ache, what to do:
If you ask them where the pain is, they often indicate the spot above the navel. Believe me, that is no comedy. Uncertainty is the cause here.
These children are often shy, they may blush easily, often cannot utter a word from excitement, may have a soft voice, speak softly (insecurely) and may also stutter.

Madeleine Meuwessen

*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

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