Madeleine Meuwessen

PUUR floor 2


First, I want to mention that it was not me but Micha, my son, who created this remedy.

Over the years, he too has created very special remedies, such as the Seven Essentials. I will come back to this later when these remedies are described.

I have also mentioned several times, that once I have described all the remedies, I will describe the "consistency" of the remedies.
And yet, with the remedy Pure, I already want to give a small description of how this state of mind came about.

As a young person, if you allow the wishes of your environment to prevail, so around puberty, you do not develop your own identity but allow yourself to be led too much by the "environment".
By environment, I mean parents and family, school, friends.
In my practice, when someone says they were always so sweet and accommodating when they were young, I think: What a shame.
In adolescence, you push your limits...whatever that means.
But when you don't "do your own" things, but out of love or whatever, put the wishes of e.g. your parents ahead of your own, an insecurity arises.
Of course, you don't like this uncertainty either and the course of your decide, consciously or unconsciously, to go about it a certain way. Whatever that may be for you. This causes you to make decisions you don't want to deviate from and creates the negative state of mind of Pure.
You decide to organise your life according to your moral or ideal representations. Because you make decisions only on rational grounds, you displace emotions more and more.
The result is an emotional hardening, you repress your feelings of lust and no longer really enjoy life.
You impose many do's and don'ts on yourself and others.
As progressive emotional hardening occurs, it can also eventually lead to physical hardening symptoms, such as joint stiffness or hardening of blood vessels.

You often see this state of mind develop in smaller children who come from single-parent families. I do not mean by this that a one-parent family would not be good, often see these children take on the role of the missing parent out of love for the parent they live with.
These children feel good when they know the day's structure. When they know how the day is going to go. This makes them feel secure.

Those, who benefit from Pure, are often not aware how strict they are on themselves and actually want to prove something to others/the outside world. Hence, they also prefer to be perfect in everything.
To an employer, these are obviously great employees because they want and will show that they are the best.

Because they suppress their lust principles, a total loss of their joy in life ensues, which in turn fosters bitterness (because they are a slave to their own decision) and life becomes top-heavy.
It is hard for these people to see that by this attitude to life, their rigid ideas, they are only making life more difficult for them. By thinking of ending forever with a single final decision, they also deprive themselves of the chance to use their own free will. So instead of freeing themselves from the "torment of choice", they have thus become a slave to their own decision, which they can hardly go back on. The word "MUST" AND "ONE SHOULD" is on the first page of their dictionary.

Just look at the prevailing views on health, physical beauty, at gyms. You have to conform to the prevailing beauty ideal.
Of course it is important to live a healthy life, see your own body as your temple, do exercise, but how healthy is it not if you are satisfied and happy with yourself as you are!

Also in the so-called New Age movement, you see a tendency to think that you can force your spiritual growth and development by certain precepts, e.g. diet, exercises and meditation, or by withdrawing from social life, and that this way of life guarantees and is an expression of a higher level of consciousness. However, this only works if it happens from a strongly felt inner need and not as an externally imposed rule of life. After all, you are not necessarily in a higher degree of soul consciousness by strictly following those particular precepts than someone who is not involved in this at all, but enjoys all facets of life. Spiritual growth is promoted only by being natural as much as possible, learning to be yourself, whatever that may mean to you, and fulfilling your own life task to the best of your ability. It is not what you manifest externally that counts, but what you manifest from within yourself, grown through insight and awareness. Not what you do, but who you are indicates true spirituality. It is not about form but essence. That means you can be flexible with ideas, ideals, rules of life and adapt them to what is needed and necessary for your soul. You no longer cling so rigidly to your ideas. So in the positive state of mind, you are able to take new steps.

A lot is written about the discoverer of Bach remedies, Dr.Bach, and sometimes he is portrayed as a kind of saint. Dr Bach was a notorious smoker and drinker, someone, who enjoyed life very much alongside all his hard work. A Pure person will be very disappointed in this, for others this will only encourage them that Bach, very gifted and spiritually developed, turned out to be just an ordinary person.

I will never forget the story of a lady, who came to me because she had a huge itch on top of her head under the skull roof. As she told myself. She had had all kinds of tests, she was afraid of a brain tumour. All investigations showed that there was nothing physically wrong.
She told me she had a wonderful family. A lovely husband, three wonderful sons, all three still living at home aged 31 to 38. She took care of everything. All three sons had good jobs. Came home for dinner after work, all together, then went to the gym and of course the mother took care of all the laundry every day including the sportswear. She was very proud of this and "people" could see how well everything worked in her home.
Well, you will understand that when we started working with the remedies and she left more to her sons (which was not without a struggle, because gradually they also had to do all kinds of things in the household, such as washing their own wet, sweaty sports clothes themselves) she got rid of the itch on her head and started enjoying life a bit more herself.

PUUR for:
- A child who gets only a seven is constantly on his toes and puts enormous pressure on himself
- Man whose strict beliefs completely disregard his own needs and teachings
- The top athlete who only lives for his sport, tight training schedule and does not allow himself any freedom at all to deviate from this once in a while
- The sick person who adheres so strictly to the doctor's advice that no progress is made at all
- One who cannot adapt flexibly to a change in a situation and becomes upset as a result

Madeleine Meuwessen

*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.