Madeleine Meuwessen

Aster - Aster tartaricus - also for animals

Aster-people really do try everything just to be in the limelight e.g. the latest fashion, buying that too quickly, eye-catching clothes, an eye-catching car or long as it stands out.aster

Aster-people always need someone to talk to, no matter who, if necessary the neighbour, who you don't really have anything to do with.
Single Aster-types can be recognised by their high phone bills.
And as mentioned in the previous blog: Nowadays, many people suffer from Telefonitis.

My colleague in Italy gave me a nice example:
She was waiting on a platform in Milan and an announcement was made that the train to Bologna would be five minutes late.
Immediately, she tells me, without exception, everyone hurriedly grabbed the phone to relay to whomever that the train would be 5 minutes late. As if the world was about to end. The platform was full of people.

Aster people are preoccupied with themselves, they think only of themselves. Everything revolves around their own person. They often make a mountain out of a molehill. Their sentences often start with "I".

Snow White's stepmother, in the symbolism of the fairy tale, shows how someone in a negative Aster-state is preoccupied with herself. Constantly, she needs confirmation from her mirror that she is the most beautiful in the land. The need for attention can be so essential that it colours our whole personality. Growing old can therefore be a problem.

Now if you know that this is actually an unconscious, non-manipulated behaviour that stems from not having or not getting "basic confidence in life itself", then it is understandable that people can behave like this.

Aster people often suffer from hypochondria and they may also have palpitations and/or attacks of chest tightness on the inside of the left chest, which are usually a result of hypochondriac self-observation and not a narrowing of the coronary arteries (Angina Pectoris). Something that is often not taken seriously by the mainstream side. While suffering from hypochondria should really be taken very seriously! Surely it is terrible always living with the fear of having a heart attack or any other disease!

However, of course, if you have such complaints, you should always see a doctor first!

Aster-children cannot be overlooked because of their pushy nature. Flash their fingers, pull you by the sleeve, mingle in conversations with adults, intervene just to get attention. Get dead tired of it. If they fail to take centre stage, they try to do so by all means. Start acting crazy or doing antics, whistling or singing loudly, making noise. Even become cheeky just to get the desired attention, they even collect staff for this.

There is a therapy, Transactional Analysis, whose founder is Eric Berne.
He studied the ways, in which people get stuck in their lives.
Some principles of this theory are
- every person can learn to think, feel and act independently
- we are all born to win, not lose
- many psychological complaints and problems are the result of wrong ways of living, which are based on decisions and conclusions, which people made in their childhood. Many diseases are diseases of choice. Changing lifestyles involves revising decisions and making a new one.

In T.A., the word "Strokes" appears: A stroke is any act, which implies recognition, acknowledgement and/or appreciation of another person. Strokes can be either positive or negative. E.g. pos. I like you, neg. you are no good. If, as an adult/child/animal, you do not receive positive strokes, you will try to acquire them in a negative way (drawing attention, moping, being wanton). Experience shows, that negative strokes are more likely to be acquired, or easier than positive ones. This can affect the rest of your life..... until you start remedies naturally.....
This has always stayed in my mind. So if you have a Aster-adult/child/animal meets you can always ask yourself, why it is such a Aster-behaviour. This behaviour is often unconscious and the person has absolutely no insight into his/her own behaviour.

A Aster-type seeks from others what he/she can only find in the depths of his/her own soul, namely the primal confidence that overcomes fear.
Because this did not happen, these people are psychologically completely dependent on the helpfulness of others.

The blossom remedy Aster enables you - whether you are child, adult or animal - to accept the hand extended by the Critical Parent (according to Transactional Analysis) or the Parent (read outside world).
She feels like a supportive arm around your shoulders. She stimulates, cares, comforts and encourages. You regain a sense of basic confidence. You know you can do your own things on your own again. If you are e.g. in a relationship that you feel you are maintaining because you can't be alone comes through the Aster the confidence that you can do it yourself. You no longer need the enormous attention you demand from others, positive or negative. You are able to listen to others with real intention. You no longer supplement , with words or in thought, the story the other person is telling with your own. In other words: You often notice from people, who have a "deficit" of Aster, that they "adopt" the story you tell and immediately "paste" it onto their own lives. Suppose for example: You tell someone a story about your sister or brother about parents and immediately the other person makes inferences...yes, because my sister, brother, parents etc. etc. As if your story is just an introduction for them to start talking about their concerns. Their story is many times worse, more complicated. Have it much harder. Well, you name it.

Aster's positive quality is that you can listen very well and empathise with the other person, in other words, you are an excellent counsellor.

Because Stefan Veensta of the Practice for Naturally Healthy Animals ,, the Facebook page of Star Remedies liked, it occurred to me that in my blogs to date, I have never written anything about what remedies can do for animals.
I know that in this practice they also work with the Star Remedies with good results. And I gave a lecture in their practice a while ago.
Animals have the same state of mind as humans, animals have seven chakras just like humans. Whether these chakras have a spiritual significance for animals too, opinions are divided. However, because the chakras are essential (and if you are able to test the chakras), the treatment for animals can go as deep as in humans.

Aster-animals cannot be alone. They also constantly demand your attention. And if they don't get it, they show it to you in all sorts of ways. By peeing, even if the dog has just been taken for a walk and has to be home alone for an hour. You come home and yes, it has peed again! Or you come home and again the dog has broken everything it can get its hands on. Punishment is no use at all! You can show your disapproval, but do not give it too much attention, because the negative attention is also attention and that is exactly what he/she wants and you will end up in a vicious circle. (see Transactional Analysis)
Animals can also "cling" to you like tangles.
These are often animals, which were taken away from their mothers too early. As a result, they have had to miss out on confirmed maternal love. And they seem to be constantly looking for a replacement for it.
These animals are very squeamish. They also "squeak" quickly or keep barking softly, but constantly (dogs). They love crowds and want attention from everyone. Also often jump up against people, sometimes to the point of annoyance.

It means that all animals, which require a lot of attention, can benefit greatly from the flower remedy Aster.

Madeleine Meuwessen

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

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