Christmas plum
The blossom remedy Cherry Plum makes the compulsive disappear, you no longer have to bite your nails, or grind your teeth, and allows you to breathe deeper and better.The panicked fear of losing all self-control, which can drive you to the brink of despair, dissolves.
Using a few examples, I will explain it even more clearly.
A few months ago, parents came to my practice with their 9-year-old son. The child had huge tantrums and when they happened, the parents could not "reach" the child.The child kicked doors, did not want to go to school and the parents were at a loss. They did not want to go to a mainstream agency yet because they were afraid their child would be "stamped". It turned out that so much had gone wrong at the child's birth that his life was hanging by a thread. After two months of combining remedies for him in which Kerspruim played the "leading role", he is now a happy child with no tantrums and enjoys going to school and no longer has "flight behaviour".
In children, this often shows itself with sudden outbursts of anger. I liken it to the child "having his fingers in the socket". Or children who still, no matter how old they are, wet the bed.
There will be a woman in the practice, who was referred by the psychiatrist because he was "not getting anywhere" with her. She had been given medication and had been using it for a couple of years with no results.
She secretly had a fear that she might do something bad to her children. They were "just" thoughts. In real life, she would never do such a thing....but those thoughts! The tension she felt could not be described with a pen.
After an extensive medical history, it emerged that she had been in a serious accident as a small child. The only thing she had left from it were considerable scars. Nothing else...she thought.
We are now two years into therapy and the young woman from the practice is doing so well!!!! And she can no longer imagine ever having had such unpleasant thoughts.
As I mentioned in the previous blog that Christmas plum people feel like they are sitting on a powder keg that could explode at any moment. That they can suffer from compulsions. In such an extreme state, you may even fear losing your mind.
It doesn't have to be so extreme, of course, but teeth grinding or the feeling that your jaws are tense or locked, hyperventilation, compulsions and delusions indicate tension in your system.
Such a feeling need not be acutely so, it may gradually increase over the years.
This state of mind can be acute when taking drugs, though. And this state can still exist, years after you have stopped taking drugs.
This state causes an anxiety reaction. You dare not "descend" into your subconscious ( by this I mean: unpleasant, traumatic, unprocessed emotions try to surface) and you try with all your might to suppress them.
Therefore, I cannot warn enough about the remedy Agrimony or Knotweed. You need to be so careful with this remedy!!! If you take one of these remedies "just like that" without knowing what might happen, know that the state of mind Kerspoon can come up. With all its consequences!
Years ago a painter came to paint my house. What I noticed first was that his upper teeth were almost completely worn away. Of course, he did not come as a patient. But as time went on, he became quite curious about what I did. Long story short: How much he suffered from intense tension! How nicely I was able to accompany this man for several more years. Now he is really happy ( after his divorce) and has made his business flourish.
There will be a woman with me from Drenthe. She had been suffering from hyperventilation.... several times a day for years. She was also completely exhausted! She absolutely could not believe that "a drip" could do anything. Of course, her hyperventilation resolved and we also continued therapy.
She was so happy and informed the Dutch Hyperventilation Foundation how well she was doing. She was a member of this foundation. Unfortunately, unfortunately, they never contacted me.
As I told you: hyperventilation goes away by Kerspruim.....but you are not treating the cause of the hyperventilation. Then you will have to go further "into the depths". However, it is everyone's own no longer want hyperventilation and take Kerspruim, however, after a while it comes back and you take the remedy again if necessary or You really get to work with yourself.
Christmas plum-people/children have a lot of inner turmoil, they feel like they are sitting on a powder keg or think they could explode at any moment.
They have a panic fear of losing their self-control and thereby harming another person or themselves.
They may also suffer from compulsions and delusions, sometimes as if dark, negative and destructive forces are at work.
This often shows itself in their behaviour in the form of hyperventilation, teeth grinding or nail biting, constant fidgeting, tension in the jaws, a feeling of agitation, compulsive throat clearing, nervous itching, nervous twitching. Associated inner turmoil and/or inner restlessness is based on extreme inner pressure due to repression of negative emotions.
The blossom remedy Cherry Plum makes the compulsive disappear, you no longer have to bite your nails, or grind your teeth, and allows you to breathe deeper and better.
The panicked fear of losing all self-control, which can drive you to the brink of despair, dissolves.
Through the blossom remedy Christmas plum disappears hyperventilation, however, the real cause often lies deeper.
The cause of hyperventilation, teeth grinding, nail biting etc is usually in the past due to trauma. Birth may be responsible for this. And by this I mean birth complications like vacuum extraction, forceps birth, umbilical cord around the neck, caesarean section or a birth that was artificially initiated. Or any other trauma, which somehow hasn't been processed properly and later shows itself as a huge inner tension of which you sometimes don't know the cause (anymore).
Physically, this can show itself by complaints in the lower left back starting at the 4th lumbar vertebra and ending at the tailbone.
The flower remedy Cherry Plum has a relationship with the triple warmer meridian. According to the traditional teachings of Chinese acupuncture, this is a purely fine-material organ, for which no pendant (equal) can be found at the coarse-material level.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
In my previous blog, I talked about Yarrow people That they are sweet, accommodating, amiable and often courteous.
And a logical question to this might be: Yes, that's a good quality, isn't it? It's nice when someone is kind, isn't it?
However, this "being kind and accommodating" seem like a good trait, but their good-naturedness and helpfulness, however, rely on emotional dependence on the environment. And because of this, it has the character of addiction in many cases.
It all has to do with weak willpower. You are afraid of losing the other person's love if you stand up for yourself. As a result, you overstep your boundaries and fear arguments. For the "sweet peace" you swallow everything. And even when others drain your energy, you let it happen to you because you simply don't know how to change it.
This state of mind can trigger all kinds of addiction, such as eating addiction, problems with alcohol, sexuality and even financially.
The sight of food makes you keep eating, you can't stop, and look at the sugar addiction that many fat children and adults suffer from.
But the same goes for sweet children, who always eat their plates empty, even when they have been given way too much.
Suppose you are financially dependent on your partner or your parents (e.g. in connection with studies). This dependency can trigger emotional dependency. This emotional dependency is mainly fostered by your weak willpower, which actually makes you the will-less tool of another, stronger personality.
How often I come across, still in my practice, that one partner is dependent on the other.
An example from my practice: A young woman, seemingly happily married, mother of three, has a part-time job, a large house to maintain.
She runs around all day running from place to place, work, getting the kids from nursery/lower school. Shopping, cooking food, taking one child to swimming lessons, the other to judo. There is no time for housework. This is done on Saturdays......but then attention has to be given to the children. In short...quite a busy schedule. She wanted a domestic help so that at least the "rough" work could be done. The partner thought that was nonsense, a waste of money. Since she found it hard to defend herself, she left it at that. And she couldn't stand arguments at all.
This was just one of the things she came to me with. I explained to her that her own will was quite inferior to everyone else in the house. She had no dominance over the children, her husband made most of the money....dus????
Yarrow ensures that you do indicate your own boundaries whether or not it is accepted by others. In fact, this also removes the fear of losing the other person.
It turns out now that, after very good conversations with her husband (she has had the courage to raise all sorts of issues), she is standing her ground and has realised that the fear she has had was completely unjustified. The children, miraculous as it may seem, are now listening to her.
But this need not always be the case. It could also be that one partner feels that the other has become annoying since being "on the drops". Which again can have far-reaching consequences. I always tell this too. What I mean exactly: If you no longer allow yourself to cross your boundaries, be it a partner, children, work or friends, you may make decisions that can be quite far-reaching. If the other person has been used to you for years that you do everything "for the sake of love peace" and that changes "suddenly", you may not want to continue with this partner or friends may not like you very much anymore.
I had mentioned it in the previous article on Yarrow:
People, who are bullied at work, children, who are bullied at school.
An example from a young girl who came to my practice:
A mother comes to me, many years ago now, with her 14-year-old daughter. The girl is being bullied so terribly in high school. This appeared to be happening in primary school as well. Of the girls from primary school, many went to the same secondary school.
For the sake of privacy, let's call her Anita: Anita was born much prematurely, weighing 1100 grams (this is already a significant indication according to my methodology). After being in the incubator for a long time, she was doing exceptionally well. Anita is a very intelligent girl. At school, she got only 9s and 10s for all subjects. At home, she was very precise. Everything was milled in her little room. The child was at her wit's end, all she could do with me was cry. The girls at primary school, who were already bullying at the time, were only bullying her worse. She was excluded from everything. She had no friends at all.
Of course, she received many other remedies, but because of the Yarrow, she "suddenly" started defending herself at school. She replied to the bullies, sometimes in a rather vehement way. Well, the bullies were not used to that. Long story short: Anita gained the respect of others, she got friends. She took up her own chosen studies. She went on an internship in Germany ( she who couldn't leave home for even a day). She is now engaged and very happy. And then sometimes I still meet the mother at A.H. and always she says how happy she is that her daughter is doing so well.
Yarrow also has a variety of physical and psychological indications that may play a role.
A few I will mention here:
A pressure or aching sensation between the breasts, itching/pain on the lower part of your right shoulder blade, complaints on the left shin, the outside of the left knee, the inside of the right hand,, between the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae on the back, intense pressure on the bladder, with strong urge to urinate pressure on the chest, sadness without cause, overtiredness, dizziness, powerlessness, lack of energy, helplessness.
Again, for the record:
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Yarrow people are sweet, accommodating, amiable and often courteous.
It is hard for them to say "no".
The needs of others, the children, spouse, family and/or friends, often take precedence. This then comes at the expense of their own needs and desires.
From a certain understanding, you would say that is a very good trait after all.
But actually, Yarrow people are looking for recognition and want to be loved. They need the other person's recognition and are afraid of losing the other person's love.
Wanting to be too nice and not being able to demarcate well is often the cause of being bullied at work or school.
They may find that they experience energy loss in front of others and become very tired of the other person. It feels as if the other person is drawing energy away.
As a result, you may become angry "just like that". It may seem strange to others that you can get so angry over something very small, seemingly unrelated to the situation.
I always explain this as follows: Imagine: I put a pen somewhere, and you get furious about it. This is almost incomprehensible to yourself and the other person, but the thing is... you have overstepped your bounds so many times that a very small, unrelated event can set you off in anger.
This blossom remedy belongs to the Bladder meridian.
The inability to let go can manifest itself physically in bladder disorders of all kinds.
A bladder infection is caused by bacteria. However, if nothing is found in the urine by the (GP) doctor, the cause could well be that these people are letting too much "go over their limits".
This flower remedy protects you from external negative influences. You are no longer "drained" by others. You are able to say no, follow your own path and no longer fear losing the love of others.
It helps to live an independent life in the true sense of the word.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Dear people, on my blog I can post much more than on the Facebook page.
I have often been asked: Madeleine, if you are ever gone, what will happen to your knowledge. Well, didn't particularly like it, I'm only almost 70!
This is the flower of Houttuynia Cordata
Of course, I thought about this and therefore decided to gradually post my knowledge and know-how on the blog.
On the blog, I can also write "more easily". It doesn't really have to be in "writer's language", more as the thoughts come to me.
I will not be a kind of "therapist-on-line" via the blog, I want to share knowledge.
I also know that next year my new book will come out. I don't rush that. Because it's so much work.
And I know I will have material to write about for years to come. I will also clarify over time why I needed to make flower remedies so much. There are already so many, aren't there?
And also how the work has expanded with the Seven Essentials and the Combination remedies.
But...step by step.
Houttuynnia Cordat makes you stop thinking compulsively. This remedy brings peace to your mind. Your grinding thoughts really go away.
What does this have to do with sleep problems?
Grinding thoughts can be throughout the day and especially in the evening, when you are in bed, grinding thoughts can get even worse and, as a result, you cannot get to sleep. As a result, you seem to wake up in the morning even more tired than when you went to bed. You may also wake up often at night.
Regular treatments such as as sleeping tablets and cognitive treatments often ignore the times a person wakes up at night.
If you wake up between 3 and 5 a.m., for instance, this has something completely different to do with "just" grinding thoughts. You can then also immediately have grinding thoughts, but these often have a different "charge", such as worrying about your loved ones or having regrets about things done. This is related to the lung meridian and sadness can play a big role.
Like waking up very early in the morning, being dead tired and yet not being able to sleep again. So what about your sense of duty and that you carry a lot with you? That you are physically and mentally at your wit's end and feel a sense of depression coming on? The latter again has to do with the colon.
Because you may be so tired and exhausted from those grinding thoughts, all kinds of mental and physical symptoms may also arise, such as strong inner turmoil, anger without cause in short a state of intense mental tension and physically you may have all kinds of uncontrollable muscle twitching all over your body, soft, very high-pitched ringing in your ears, pain in the muscles on both sides of the neck and throat, aching monk's head muscles, a feeling when both your feet have disappeared.
In any case, wood tuynnia makes it easier to fall asleep at night.
Houttuynnia Cordata came "just like that" by the pond in my garden from "nowhere". The only message I got was that a remedy of this would bring peace of mind.
This is the flower of Horse Chestnut
If you look at the White Chestnut blossom from the Bach remedies, it looks like a torch. I knew all that, but never thought about it otherwise. It was just like that. That's just the way the blossom is. Now if you look at the Houttuynia Cordata it has the same kind of torch. This was pointed out to me again by a course participant saying, "Well, then it makes sense, doesn't it?" Now I get it, but it didn't make that much sense to me. However, I had been thinking for a few years...what...if there are no more Horse Chestnuts? What then? Because there are reports everywhere that these trees are dying out. Or at least very sick. In large parts of Europe, the horse chestnut leafminer is prevalent. Serious infestations are now also occurring in the Netherlands due to the warmer climate, even causing premature leaf fall.
The horse chestnut is susceptible to wilt disease (Verticillium). This causes the trees to die and, because the fungus remains in the soil, no new chestnut tree can be planted in the same place.
And me thinking: oh, what if......
It turns out that Houttuynnia Cordata works better than White Chestnut.
And so you see: There is a solution for everything.
What I have noticed over the years is that the Star Remedies work more broadly, more deeply, and I may not even fully know the scope of my remedies yet!
This blossom remedy helps if you find it hard to stop your thoughts. Thoughts that keep repeating themselveslen like a gramophone record whose needle is stuck in a groove. And it doesn't matter what kind of thoughts they are. It could very simply be a song you've heard and won't get out of your head all day. It can be thoughts about conversations you have to have the next day that you keep repeating and repeating. This can go on all night. You have no control over it, it stays busy in your head.
Coffee, tea and cola further reinforce these grinding thoughts and it is therefore advisable to avoid them in the evening. Because you can get to sleep so badly in the evening, you wake up tired again in the morning. As a result, you may have a dull, dazed feeling in your head and a feeling of physical weakness that may last all day. You may be unable to concentrate well during the day and this may make you seem forgetful.
The blossom remedy Houttuynnia Cordata makes you stop thinking compulsively. There will be peace in your mind. Your grinding thoughts go away and sleep disturbances will disappear.
The reason why I have chosen Houttuynnia Cordata in this edition , is because there is a difference in blossom remedies regarding grinding thoughts. With the flower remedy Star of Bethlehem, people also suffer from grinding thoughts. However, these are related to grief, shock and painful, sad emotions while with Houttuynnia Cordata, grinding can be about anything.
Cramps in the right calf and the outside of the left foot can also be an indication of Houttuynnia Cordata. It is possible to mix flower remedies with each other and for grinding thoughts, Houttuynnia Cordata and Star of Bethlehem is a fine combination. Both belong to the heart meridian.
I would like to tell you about the flower remedy Yarrow in the next blog.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
**Share and Win action on Facebook, runs until 12-2-2016.
The answer to the question of why, when Star of Bethlehem already exists, I had to make this remedy too, became clear to me only several years after I had made this remedy.
Star of Bethlehem represents old and new traumas, hurts.
In the training I teach, there is a nurse who loses her baby daughter after being pregnant for 8 ½ months.
After taking "my" Star of Bethlehem, it turns out, ( she felt that she had given a place to this huge trauma and terrible loss of approx. 5 years ago), that she had dreamt at night of her baby and of the first child who had died in hospital during her shift. In the morning, she woke up feeling like: how could I have dreamt about this, it was so long ago. It turns out that it is now really out of her system and really "done" with it. She underwent this with joy. The nurse has now become a dear dear friend. The old blockade was gone. The remedy really helps dissolve these blockages of old wounds. And gives joy.
My husband, Rob, was visiting a client of his. The man looked like hell. Overtired. Their second child had been born and she was crying all night. The baby was one month old. And because the husband had a pretty tough job, where a lot was demanded of him, he slept at his parents' house four nights a week to cope with his work.
Rob came home with this story and of course I said: immediately bring a bottle of Star of Bethlehem to them. Tell them to just put the bottle in the baby's cot. No sooner said than done. After two days, the client called Rob saying that the baby had not cried at night since that bottle was in the cot. The parents, he told them, woke up the first morning with great panic. They had not heard their baby crying and thought she was cot-dead. Luckily...the baby was sleeping soundly in her cot.
These special stories will always stay with me.
But still I didn't know WHY I also so needed to make this remedy.
A few years later, Micha and I visited Tony and Carol Pinkus, the creators of the Ainsworths Bach remedies. And really, they are wonderful Bach remedies. At one point I asked them, gently, that it did seem that "my" Star of Bethlehem worked better than the ones they made.
I was asked HOW I had made the remedy. Well, I said, "just" using the sun method.
What I was told: according to Br. Bach, Star of Bethlehem is made using the boiling method and not the solar method.
They tested my remedy and found it very powerful.
I don't think one flower wants to be cooked. I think that is far too violent an intervention for the flowers in question.
Thus, no single remedy is made with us according to the cooking method.
How to use:
You can put 3 drops from the "stockbottle" into a 30 ml. pipette bottle, fill it with water and possibly add a teaspoon of brandy ( to prevent mould, if you accidentally touched the pipette ) and add three drops of the Star of Bethlehem and take 4 to 6 drops from this bottle under the tongue 4 times a day
you put 2 drops in a glass of water and drink it during the day in small sips ( the stockbottle will run out faster )
you put 6 drops in the bath water
you can also apply the remedy (diluted!!!) to the nipple in case of breastfeeding.
You can also make a cream out of it. What kind of cream doesn't matter, but you put 1 drop from the stockbottle to 10 grams of cream.
This is for when you get hurt, bruised, sunburned or bruised.
Should you have a very sensitive navel you can ( again diluted!!! ) put a few drops in the navel.
According to naturopathy, the law is: the years you suffer from something, the months it takes for it to be over.
So don't think: I just take a few drops and the problem is solved. It's not like that.
This blossom remedy is the remedy for all situations, which somehow have not been handled well, think of:
Grief, psychological shock, disappointments, the loss of a loved one and the consequences of a past shock, e.g. in childhood or at birth.
Birth is the first physical shock experience a child undergoes. One moment the child is still floating delightfully in the warm amniotic fluid, the next the child is being pushed through the birth canal. The child may experience this as a shock. A crying baby can be a result of this.
A simple solution to this is 6 drops of Star of Bethlehem in the bath water to neutralise the shock in this way.
In Switzerland, many hospitals and birthing clinics give Star of Bethlehem to the newborn in advance after birth.
If children or adults are later found to have a sensitive navel, it still indicates birth trauma.
Frequent headaches between the eyebrows, complaints a hand width below the collarbone or complaints from the 8th thoracic vertebra to the 1st lumbar vertebra also point to this.
In later life, you see that Star of Bethlehem people have become vulnerable. Every new shock or hurt seems to reopen the old wound. Seemingly small events can already throw them completely off balance.
Star of Bethlehem is related to the heart meridian. The saying: my heart is breaking really applies here.
This flower remedy thus helps dissolve the emotional blockages of old wounds.
Blossom remedies may be taken with all medicines, phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedies.
I would like to tell you about the blossom remedy Houttuynnia Cordata in the next blog.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.