Madeleine Meuwessen

Addiction, Being bullied and Yarrow - what do they have to do with each other?

In my previous blog, I talked about Yarrow people That they are sweet, accommodating, amiable and often courteous.
And a logical question to this might be: Yes, that's a good quality, isn't it? It's nice when someone is kind, isn't it?
However, this "being kind and accommodating" seem like a good trait, but their good-naturedness and helpfulness, however, rely on emotional dependence on the environment. And because of this, it has the character of addiction in many cases.
It all has to do with weak willpower. You are afraid of losing the other person's love if you stand up for yourself. As a result, you overstep your boundaries and fear arguments. For the "sweet peace" you swallow everything. And even when others drain your energy, you let it happen to you because you simply don't know how to change it.

This state of mind can trigger all kinds of addiction, such as eating addiction, problems with alcohol, sexuality and even financially.
The sight of food makes you keep eating, you can't stop, and look at the sugar addiction that many fat children and adults suffer from.
But the same goes for sweet children, who always eat their plates empty, even when they have been given way too much.

Suppose you are financially dependent on your partner or your parents (e.g. in connection with studies). This dependency can trigger emotional dependency. This emotional dependency is mainly fostered by your weak willpower, which actually makes you the will-less tool of another, stronger personality.
How often I come across, still in my practice, that one partner is dependent on the other.

An example from my practice: A young woman, seemingly happily married, mother of three, has a part-time job, a large house to maintain.
She runs around all day running from place to place, work, getting the kids from nursery/lower school. Shopping, cooking food, taking one child to swimming lessons, the other to judo. There is no time for housework. This is done on Saturdays......but then attention has to be given to the children. In short...quite a busy schedule. She wanted a domestic help so that at least the "rough" work could be done. The partner thought that was nonsense, a waste of money. Since she found it hard to defend herself, she left it at that. And she couldn't stand arguments at all.
This was just one of the things she came to me with. I explained to her that her own will was quite inferior to everyone else in the house. She had no dominance over the children, her husband made most of the money....dus????

Yarrow ensures that you do indicate your own boundaries whether or not it is accepted by others. In fact, this also removes the fear of losing the other person.

It turns out now that, after very good conversations with her husband (she has had the courage to raise all sorts of issues), she is standing her ground and has realised that the fear she has had was completely unjustified. The children, miraculous as it may seem, are now listening to her.

But this need not always be the case. It could also be that one partner feels that the other has become annoying since being "on the drops". Which again can have far-reaching consequences. I always tell this too. What I mean exactly: If you no longer allow yourself to cross your boundaries, be it a partner, children, work or friends, you may make decisions that can be quite far-reaching. If the other person has been used to you for years that you do everything "for the sake of love peace" and that changes "suddenly", you may not want to continue with this partner or friends may not like you very much anymore.

I had mentioned it in the previous article on Yarrow:
People, who are bullied at work, children, who are bullied at school.
An example from a young girl who came to my practice:
A mother comes to me, many years ago now, with her 14-year-old daughter. The girl is being bullied so terribly in high school. This appeared to be happening in primary school as well. Of the girls from primary school, many went to the same secondary school.
For the sake of privacy, let's call her Anita: Anita was born much prematurely, weighing 1100 grams (this is already a significant indication according to my methodology). After being in the incubator for a long time, she was doing exceptionally well. Anita is a very intelligent girl. At school, she got only 9s and 10s for all subjects. At home, she was very precise. Everything was milled in her little room. The child was at her wit's end, all she could do with me was cry. The girls at primary school, who were already bullying at the time, were only bullying her worse. She was excluded from everything. She had no friends at all.
Of course, she received many other remedies, but because of the Yarrow, she "suddenly" started defending herself at school. She replied to the bullies, sometimes in a rather vehement way. Well, the bullies were not used to that. Long story short: Anita gained the respect of others, she got friends. She took up her own chosen studies. She went on an internship in Germany ( she who couldn't leave home for even a day). She is now engaged and very happy. And then sometimes I still meet the mother at A.H. and always she says how happy she is that her daughter is doing so well.

Yarrow also has a variety of physical and psychological indications that may play a role.
A few I will mention here:
A pressure or aching sensation between the breasts, itching/pain on the lower part of your right shoulder blade, complaints on the left shin, the outside of the left knee, the inside of the right hand,, between the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae on the back, intense pressure on the bladder, with strong urge to urinate pressure on the chest, sadness without cause, overtiredness, dizziness, powerlessness, lack of energy, helplessness.




Again, for the record:
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.