Madeleine Meuwessen

Autumn aster

Autumn aster - Third-party experiences

Gives playfulness, sparkle, joy. You may feel like it in all its facets. Works on your senses. Restful. Heart rate. Lowers blood pressure. Out of your head to your feelings.

Letting go of what doesn't matter.

It moves very slowly, a soft,subtle beautiful movement that slowly gets bigger. Works on the emotional/mental layer, stabilises something there. Gold/green energy, nice smell. Small slow flow allowing access to something. Nice soft drops.

Thank you for sending the Autumn aster! I have now carried the bottle in my hand a few times while walking my dog. What I have noticed so far is that 1: I have children's songs in my head every time. 2: it gives a powerful and warm energy in my hand. 3: the word Strength pops up in me every time. 4: I am then very aware of a good and calm Self-confidence, a beautiful I am-primarily-as-I-am. Maybe more will come in during holding bottle and I'll let you know. As for ingesting, I would also like to start testing it. But is the idea to take Autumn aster alone for a while? Or can it be in a combination with other Star remedies? I am still using the blossoms. Mainly now communication blossoms, 'insight' drops and knotweed. And here and there a compensation and decompensation blossom. I'm actually doing very well. And I feel increasingly coming home to my original state. Thanks to your drops, Reiki, Firm Method, and my own efforts. I feel grateful. Strength, self-confidence, grounding, firmly on the ground, back always straight, insight into Rockwater

By arrangement, my findings on the new remedy "Autumn Aster".
What happened almost immediately after ingestion was the following:
-there went cold
-my head became emptier and clearer ( that was full of everything).
- a sense of calm arose within me.
-I felt peace, acceptance and relaxation.

After taking it for a while, I found that I could let go of things more easily. The immense grief for my deceased bunnies is more manageable. I can now think back to them without pain and sorrow. Rejection from people I am very sensitive to is also more manageable. It's still not easy but the sting is out. I am no longer completely swept off my feet and instead of days of pain in my heart and brooding, the pain is gone pretty quickly and the brooding is less and shorter in duration. It's like I have a layer of protection around me somewhere so things don't affect me as intensely as before. And very nice.... it's a great bach remedy for rabbits!!! Yes, rabbits are very sensitive ( like me ) and although somewhere very much on earth ( literally close to the ground ) also connected to the higher, to light energy. I went to test whether my rabbits needed this remedy and certainly 5 out of 11 could use the remedy. A naturopath told me that Star of Bethlehem is a remedy that suits rabbits very well but Autumn aster is also very fitting! I only have rabbits with a Past here. Even the little animals that were born here because I fished mother Rosemary off the streets mid-pregnancy unfortunately turn out to be damaged anyway. But.... I gave rabbit Sam this remedy and he changed almost immediately. He suddenly became the old Sam again who was so gentle in character. By now he had improved his ranking position with aggression anyway but now he is back to being gentle to say it in his Flemish way without being the underdog again. He is also just much more passable. More measured. More relaxed, more laid back, calmer and more stable. I hope you can do something with this!

Herewith my finding:
- grounding
- seeing a little more the lightness of life
- centring
Best of luck with your fine work.

It took a few days before I started noticing anything and it was more that I became aware of something. I am more open-minded and carefree in the world. My childlike joy returns and I don't immediately have judgements about something and someone. I am happier and feel like I am again who I once was (now aged 67). It is very subtle, but it feels very familiar because it is obviously a return to who I once was. It is not creature comforts so it is almost unnoticeable. I am better able to leave my children's problems with them and that is very pleasant. I do live with them but no longer get caught up in the misery.Actually, it feels like I have lost a lot of ballast. Thank you for testing this product, I am happy with it.

It works on the heart. It makes my heart more powerful. Not so much physically, but more confident. I am happy with who I am. Makes the heart open. No fancy talk. Take yourself as you are. Being honest. I get a clear view. This is so far what I observed. If there's more to come you'll hear it.

What a powerful remedy! I was sad and a bit apathetic today vw the death of a friend( she turned 94) I have been feeling like crap all day and nothing is coming out of my hands. The remedy falls through the letterbox, I look at it, feel a benevolent energy, more grounding. I decide to take the remedy pure and put it in a tube in my pocket.
Immediately I feel relieved, the sad feeling is gone and I am suddenly capable of action again (unfortunately that consists of doing the housework, nothing pleasant to do). After this I read the name on the bottle :autumnaster.... for me it is a very powerful remedy against depression and self-pity.

Haj Madeleine, Just see your post on facebook and will pass on what Claudia felt at the bottle. It moves very slowly, a soft,subtle beautiful movement that slowly gets bigger. Works on the emotional/mental layer, stabilises something there. Gold/green energy, nice smell. Small slow flow that gives access to something. Nice soft drops.
The drop sets something open but people have closed for a reason. Protection and grounding are needed. I told her that you always put several drops in a bottle so will look at that too. My question now is, if you send people this bottle and on the emotional plane things open up because of the use, can someone always handle that? Maybe because of the slow effect and because they are soft drops it can?

As promised, I have started taking the autumn aaster and what I notice so far is that it gets me out of my head, I feel quite cheerful and "problems" seem less heavy. So that's very positive, but unfortunately what I also notice is that I experience a certain amount of restlessness in my chest when I've had the remedy, like I've had too much coffee....

Good morning, Madeleine! I have been taking the Autumn aster for a little over a week now and am reacting ( I think) quite violently. Could it be that all sorts of things are clearing up first? I am extremely emotional, don't feel at all comfortable in my skin, my head is a mess and I suffer a lot from tightness in the chest and pressure (I already had it, but it seems worse now). The test at the mesologist turned red and indicated 'blockage on love'. Could this be related to the remedy? Kind regards

Dear Carina, precisely because I do not yet know exactly how everyone will react, I have sent so many remedies. What I "heard" when making the remedy is that if during conception or times the time in the womb or as a small child somehow a blockage has arisen to your spirituality, Autumn aster helps to dissolve this blockage. I don't know what issues you still have to resolve....before you can get started with Autumn aster. Chest tightness often indicates that you are "too sweet", giving yourself away too much or that there is still a trauma. I can't answer that from here. But your response is so valuable. I want to start collating all responses and if I get a lot of responses in, make them public without attribution of course. If the remedy is too intense for you, stop it and see what happens. What do you think of my idea? Kind regards, Madeleine

Thank you, dear Madeleine! Your answer helps me a lot, because there is indeed a blockage on my birth. I immediately felt that was it, when I read your answer. That blockade is on self-love and maybe also on being loved...received. And the pressure on my chest has indeed something to do with that too. Thank you! That helps me further. I think it's great that you use my experiences to help others! When I have important reactions, I will share them with you. I didn't take any drops today for a while and it feels a bit calmer. I will take 3 drops tomorrow instead of 5, that might help too. Have a good evening!

Okay thank you. I held the bottle between my hands and felt that there was a lot of movement in it. I felt and saw a big healing sphere and round circles moved in it. A very nice movement around my heart area and arms then my head. How would you like my findings. This way or preferably by mail. Greetings

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.