Madeleine Meuwessen

Combination 3

Combination 3
Consists of the blossom remedies: yarrow, Fluteswort, Coral cactus,
Forgiveness, Firethorn, Day cuckoo, Star of Bethlehem with as
very latest addition Pink Yarrow.

Keywords of this combination are:
Delineating yourself better; comfort; love for yourself; less anger
Combination 3 protects you from outside influences. You are able to follow your own path, the fear of losing the love of others disappears.
You are able to live your own life so anger and guilt no longer exist. You love yourself as you are.
The pain of old hurt, old traumas and (old) grief disappears.

Yarrow people are sweet, accommodating, amiable and often courteous. It is hard for them to say "no". Basically, you are looking for recognition and want to be loved. This is often at the expense of your own needs and desires. You also notice a loss of energy in front of others and can get very tired of others.
As a result, you may find that you get angry "just like that". It can seem strange that you can get so angry at something very small, seemingly unrelated to the actual situation. I always explain it as follows: I put a pen somewhere, and you get furious because of that. That's almost impossible to explain. It's like this... you've let go of your boundaries so many times that a very small, unrelated event can set you off in anger.
The remedy protects you from external negative influences. You are no longer "drained" by others. You are able to follow your own path and no longer fear losing the love of others because you can say no.
It helps to live an independent life in the true sense of the word.
Yarrow is made with the spring water of Lourdes.

Fluteswort puts you two feet on the ground, makes you feel very tall and gives you a good sense of self-worth, connectedness with the rest of the world, aware of oneself,
contemplate, accept, "meditation herb", complete, "easy-going", sunny - light, tension disappears, feet become "fuller". Release of blocked emotions.

Coral cactus
Coral cactus is the fifth auric remedy. This remedy makes you feel that nothing can "bother you right now". You feel enveloped in a kind of blanket, safe yet with both feet on the ground while feeling light and airy.
Coral cactus gives: "Now is your time completely. Time for yourself. You sit down with a cup of tea and a bonbon...and nothing can disturb you." That is the association with this remedy. The remedy makes you feel protected. Moreover, this remedy makes the aura roll out like a blanket and envelop you completely. You stand with both feet on the ground and at the same time you feel light and airy.
You have both feet on the ground and at the same time you feel light and airy.

Forgiveness people are angry. They can also suffer a lot of jealousy, envy, anger. This can arise "just like that". They have easily uncontrollable tantrums.
You are jealous of other people, who have more or are prettier. You are easily offended.
You are very suspicious and may think something is going on behind your back. Your partner is cheating on you, your children are lying or your girlfriend/boyfriend is not taking you seriously.
Forgiveness, which again is a combination of Mask Flower and Grace Herb. And this combination again does its "own" work, different from the remedies on their own. You live more in harmony and you discover love within yourself, which then radiates to others. You can truly rejoice in the successes and achievements of others.
The combination of Mask flower and Grace herb brings up old sorrows. You may have to cry a lot, but this crying dissolves a lot of old grief.

Firethorn gives compassion towards others but also towards yourself. Accepting yourself as you are. You are good the way you are. You love yourself the way you are. You allow yourself to enjoy the good things in life. You don't have to have a bad conscience about this.
You no longer have to apologise for yourself to others.
You feel connected to each other. Going for a higher goal together, clearing (sometimes seemingly invisible) obstacles by themselves.
Knowing that you are working together with your like-minded people for the same goal. Firethorn has to do with compassion, with compassion for all that lives on this earth. But also compassion for everything within yourself.
That you accept that you are as you are in essence and that you can deal with that lovingly for yourself.
A remedy that is also very important in this day and age given the way the world is treated and the way people treat themselves. Be your own leader!

Day cuckoo flower
Day cuckoo people suffer from a lack of self-confidence. And they suffer from fear of failure.
You hardly dare speak to others. Exam anxiety often torments you weeks before the actual exam. You feel incapable of many things and often have a strong feeling of inferiority. Day cuckoo flower strengthens your self-awareness. It brings about the process that enables you to show yourself, that you are allowed to be there. It strengthens your self-confidence. You can unfold your own personality. You stand with both feet on the ground. "I come out ahead that I am there".

Star of Bethlehem
Star of Bethlehem people have suffered injuries in life. A psychic shock can disrupt the entire energetic nervous system. They suffer from grinding thoughts, however, only from unpleasant, painful situations.
You feel grief when you are disappointed or after an accident or the loss of a loved one. The consequences of a pregnancy or a childhood trauma or shock can still have major repercussions today. And with every injury/hurt, the wound is ripped open further. This is why Star of Bethlehem is added to every combination.
Experiences: A nurse, after being pregnant for 8 ½ months, loses her baby daughter. After taking the remedy, it turns out (she felt she had given a place to this loss from years ago), that she had dreamt at night of her baby and also of the first child who had died in hospital during her shift.
In the morning, she woke up with a feeling of: how could I have dreamt about this, it has been so long ago. It turns out that it is now really out of her system and really "done" with it. She underwent this with joy. The old blockage was gone.
The remedy really helps dissolve these blockages of old wounds. And gives joy.
An old block that every human being has is the trauma of birth.
Tip: With every birth, I recommend putting 6 drops of Star of Bethlehem in the baby's bath water or the bottle in the cot to "neutralise" the birth shock.

Pink Yarrow
Rose Yarrow gives protection for emotions of people very close to you, e.g. family members. This protection comes from within and therefore you can let the painful things/strong emotional influences slide past you. Gives comfort to grief of letting go.
You feel it close around you...then it goes to the inner deepest core of the aura (as it were against your body) and then pushes the outer aura layer further out, making the inner one bigger and stronger. You also get more air so that abdominal breathing can get going better! You literally feel the energy from the bottom of your feet rooting into the earth, allowing better drainage of negative energy. It gives an enlightening bird's eye view of your situation. This allows you to release fear. You become the conductor of your own life which is very enlightening. You become quieter inside and stay better with yourself. Ultimately, the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th 3n 5th chakras become more balanced, increasing stability.

Combination 3 has a relationship with the bladder meridian so with the
organ Bladder. The inability to let go can manifest itself physically in bladder disorders of all kinds. This also includes insomnia ( from anger) or insomnia (from guilt), nervousness, irritability, among others.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

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