Madeleine Meuwessen

Tag: peace of mind

21 May 2017

Further to the blog: Where and when will regular and complementary finally work together???? Part III, where I explained how flower therapy works, here comes once again the description of the Basic Combination. And can you also see that the blossom remedies, which are in this combination, are the external and decompensation remedies, as it can be seen on my "breakdown list" [...]

19 August 2016

BASIC COMBINATION Keywords of this combination are: Total emotional peace and relaxation. First my "justification" for why I created this combination. There are many combination remedies/mixes on the market for all kinds of complaints. Like ADHD, fear of failure, fatigue, bedwetting, you name it. Firstly, not one person in the world is the same and e.g. bedwetting can be very [...]

15 February 2016
170,000,000 sleeping tablets per year - Houttuynnia Cordata

Dear people, on my blog I can post much more than on the Facebook page. I have often been asked: Madeleine, if you are ever no longer here, what will happen to your knowledge. Well, didn't exactly like that, I'm only almost 70! Of course, I thought about this and therefore decided to post as [...]

9 February 2016
Houttuynnia Cordata

This blossom remedy helps when you find it hard to stop your thoughts. Thoughts, which just keep repeating themselves like a kind of gramophone record whose needle is stuck in a groove. And it doesn't matter what kind of thoughts they are. It could very simply be a song you've heard and [...] all day.


Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

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