Madeleine Meuwessen

Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part III

Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part III

I can so well imagine that Part II was not so easy to understand, and I will clarify, using my "working out list", that flower therapy is the deepest form of psychotherapy imaginable.

If you look at (Pink) Yarrow, Forgiveness, Firethorn and Star of Bethlehem, it says Bl. This means that these flower remedies have an indirect relationship with the Bladder meridian.
These are people, who are above all sweet. Give a lot to others and also do a lot because they find it hard to say "no" ( see the extensive blog on Yarrow 20-02-2016). They may also lose energy in front of others. They are vulnerable and can easily be the target of bullying at work or school.
Because they often overstep their boundaries so often, they may suddenly become extremely angry "out of nowhere". This anger is not understood by others because the cause is seemingly something very unimportant. The real cause is that they have reached the limit of what they give to others or what, because of their sweet behaviour, others always demand of them.
This anger is difficult for Yarrow people to deal with because they fear that their anger will make them forfeit the love of others and this creates a sense of guilt. And out of guilt, they again overstep their boundaries and the vicious cycle starts all over again.

With Mask Flower, Aster, Immortelle, Cucumber Spice and Cucumber Spice II, there is an N. in front of it and a connection to the Kidney meridian.
The detailed description of Maskflower was published on 07-01-2017 and 13-01-2017, of Aster on 16-07-2017 and 22-07-2016, of Immortelle on 25-11-2016 and 02-12-2016, of Cucumberweed and Cucumberweed II on 22-0402016 and 29-04-2016.
Masquerade people suffer from anxiety. From all kinds of anxiety. They don't usually show this fear to the outside world and, over time, they end up exactly the "opposite" and become hypochondriacs. And as I have already written, hypochondria should be taken seriously. Because it allows them to cling to others and the other person often doesn't know how to deal with this and Aster people don't feel supported by this....even often the opposite...they end up in endogenous (meaning coming from within) depression.
And are especially susceptible to stress, which in turn can manifest itself in concentration disorders, feeling completely overloaded, may experience nervous palpitations and yes, even complete blackouts.
They are sensitive to cold, often have cold hands and feet. They often feel a bit better in summer.

The New Therapies work from "right to left" in order to thereby resolve the real, deep-seated cause, i.e., for example, the Yarrow Behaviour or the Masquerade Behaviour.

I imagine not everyone wants to "go to therapy".
For this, I created 14 combinations. 12 of these correspond to the 12 "tracks" that in turn have an indirect connection to our organs.
Suppose: that you "only" suffer from Yarrow behaviour. Then combination 3 belongs to this.
The combinations are described in the small booklet "Mindfulness by Nature/ Balm for the Soul. ISBN no. 9789090293493.

Also, I can imagine you don't know at all. For this, I made the Basic Combination (see description on 19 and 28-08-2016) and it gives peace of mind to the system but does not solve the real cause.
And if you really don't know, the Basic Combination is so nice to start with and then you can choose any of the 12 combinations.

Combination 14 is "only" if you have exam application or phone anxiety.

After describing all the remaining remedies, I will also start describing the combinations.
Each combination also states which remedies it contains.

Madeleine Meuwessen

*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part II

Peter C. Gotzsche has written the book Deadly Psychiatry.
The back of the book reads:
"It takes a lot of courage to become a whistleblower".
Dr Dick Bijl, physician and epidemiologist writes on the back of the book:
"Psychiatry is in deep crisis. Children are committing suicide because of faulty drugs. Psychiatrists are massively prescribing psychopharmaceuticals that often result in more side effects and deaths than they contribute to improving patients' lives. According to Peter Gotzsche, around 500,000 patients die each year in Europe and the US due to psychopharmaceutical use. On top of this, manufacturers and researchers engage in widespread fraud, while many psychiatrists deny that there are problems in their field. Hopefully, Gotzsche's criticism will also help open up the debate in the Netherlands and Belgium on the sense and nonsense of psychopharmaceuticals."

The beginning of a collaboration between regular and complementary?

The following can seem quite technical and I will make it more insightful with a case.
The therapy concept of the New Therapies is essentially based on four principles.

You should consider the relationships between the blossoms, viz.

Through relationships between the blossoms, it becomes clear which blossoms cover the superficial side of a complaint and which the deeper cause. Thus, a hierarchical classification is established that determines the final therapy. This is a very important tool, especially when the patient apparently needs a large number of blossoms and one does not know where to start. If the actual complaints have been removed, then according to this classification it is possible to check which hidden negative soul concepts have led to the existing complaints.

A few years ago, a young woman who was referred to me by a well-known psychiatrist comes to me.
She has been taking Fluoxetine for some time at that point and her symptoms do not change.
She is an architect, wants to get married and have children however as long as she is on this medication, she does not dare to do so.
She filled in my usual questionnaire, and what comes out of it in particular is the blossom remedy Cherry Plum (see blog 6 and 12 March 2016).
I show her what this remedy stands for and she replies to me "as if these were my own words".
She has many compulsive thoughts and fears.
She also tells me that she had a serious accident as a young child and had a big scar from this.......but yes, that was so long ago (her own words).
She also has intense nightmares, a lot of stress at work, suffers from feelings of guilt, a lot of pimples on her chin, she is regularly nauseous, feels quite nervous as if she has to perform something, does not know if this work is really what she wants, likes to put things off, is incredibly tired, regrets certain things from the past, actually thinks deep down inside herself that it will never go away and it just grinds and grinds in her head.
I started working from "outside" to "inside". And told her that she absolutely must not stop taking the medication. I also told her that at some point the time will come when, in consultation with the psychiatrist, she can reduce this medication.
Beneath the negative state of mind of Kerspuim lies the trauma of the accident. For this is the remedy Love and Hope, which has not yet been described.
By going one step at a time, you eventually get to the real cause of her complaints.
And to make a very long story short:
She is married, has two wonderful children, medication has been completely phased out and she is now changing her field of work.

(Written with the client's permission).

2. Diagnosis according to the skin zones of the blossom remedies
Associated with each blossom remedy are zones on the skin, similar to the foot reflex zones. With negative moods, changes in the energetic structure occur in these places, often accompanied by pain or sensitivity disorders. In this way, purely on the basis of the place, we can make flower diagnoses.

Therefore, every time I describe a blossom remedy, I can mention a number of skin zones that each time say something of the negative state of mind a person is in.

3. Applications of the blossoms on the skin
By directly applying the relevant blossoms (in diluted form, never pure drops) or a corresponding essential oil to the dysregulated areas, we can significantly increase the effect of the blossoms. This way can work a supportive or faster effect of the blossom remedies but also physical complaints often disappear faster by treating the skin area in question.
Flower therapy is therefore not only the deepest form of psychotherapy you can imagine but also a therapy to treat physical complaints.

4. Objective diagnostic capabilities
Direct correspondences exist between the blossom traces on the one hand (by this I mean e.g. Yarrow, Forgiveness and Firethorn) that result from the interrelationships between the blossoms, and the acupuncture meridians on the other. Ultimately, meridians and blossom tracks are manifest of the same principle, but on two different levels. This fact provides a whole range of new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.
For instance, we can deduce from the course of the meridians which blossom tracks we need. The same applies to the Chinese meridian clock, which, in the case of complaints that occur at a certain time each time, provides clues for choosing the right flower remedies.

I will explain the above point by point more clearly.
Krämer has discovered with his New Therapies that remedies have a relationship with each other. As a result, a whole new classification has been made regarding remedies.
He divided the blossoms into two major groups, namely: internal and external blossoms.

The external blossoms include the negative soul concepts, created by external influences or in response to external influences. An example is the remedy Star of Bethlehem.

Star of Bethlehem is the remedy for all those situations, which somehow have not been processed. These can be psychological shocks, disappointments, consequences of past shock e.g. from your childhood, but also a birth trauma.
Physical injuries also belong to the indication area of this remedy, think concussion or fractures.
Star of Bethlehem people have suffered injuries that have left them vulnerable. The trauma has left deep psychological wounds. With every injury, this old wound is reopened and it seems like every injury hurts more.
I always ask patients if they feel like a knife is being plunged into the old wound and the knife is going deeper every time. So much so that an apparently minor hurt is no longer bearable. This, when it comes to hurts, is always recognised.

Babies, who cry at night because of a birth trauma: give a few drops of Star of Bethlehem in the bottle, if you are breastfeeding, take these remedies yourself or put the Star of Bethlehem in the bath water and, unbelievably or not, the baby sleeps right through.

A young mother came to me once. She had a two-year-old daughter who demanded quite a lot from her and she had just given birth to her second daughter. The baby was now two months old and had not slept through the night. The father, who had a busy job, was already sleeping at his parents' house two nights a week to unwind a bit and the mother was at her wits' end. I explained what this remedy could do. Actually, the parents did not believe me. The day after the baby was given the remedy, the mother called me. In the morning, they had woken up with a huge fright, ran to the baby's room with the fear of cot death in their heads: as it turned out, the baby was still sleeping soundly.

Back to the relationship between the remedies.
Internal blossoms are divided into 12 groups. One group, called trace, consists of a communication blossom, a compensation blossom and a decompensation blossom.
The communication blossoms are the first 12 remedies discovered by Dr Bach. These flower concepts respond to our purest inherent nature. They symbolise the way we communicate with our environment.
If we act in accordance with our Higher Self, then they embody positive soul concepts such as bravery, for example. If communication with our Higher Self is blocked, then communication with our environment is also impaired and we react e.g. anxiously. So we experience the negative soul concepts of this blossom, which in turn gives rise to problems. Yet problems as such do not exist, they are situations. A situation only becomes a problem when we cannot get out of it and fear starts to dominate us.
When the lesson of communication blossoms is not learned, we try to compensate for this weakness. For example, fear (when the fear relates to concrete things) - is compensated by, you are still only concerned with yourself and thinking only about yourself. Everything with these people revolves around their own person. Their sentences usually start with 'I'. Edward Bach describes these people as 'tangles'. They are people who suffer from hypochondria and often also have palpitations on the inside of the left breast. Something that is often not taken seriously by the mainstream side. While suffering from hypochondria should really be taken very seriously! Surely it is terrible always living with the fear of having a heart attack or any other disease!
In the above example, the patient has periods of deep dejection, which occur without recognisable cause or external trigger ( a true endogenous depression). These are the decompensation states. These are the psychological end states. Those involved see them as a dark hole, which they have fallen into at some point and cannot get out of on their own. The first goal of therapy is to lift the negative soul conceptions of the external and decompensation states. Only then is the consciousness able to take deeper soul concepts in hand.

The relationships between remedies and skin zones
After years of research, Dietmar Krämer divided the body into 243 skin zones, each corresponding to a remedy.
Edward Bach was already treating patients with poultices containing Bach blossoms.
Bach thought the method should be as simple as possible. "If I am hungry, I go into the garden and pick a head of lettuce. If I am scared, I take a dose of Mimulus.

Skin zone therapy with the blossom remedies makes treatment even easier. Eligible remedies can be read directly from the body - based only on the localisation of the symptoms.

The relationship between remedies and meridians
When taking whole spores of Bach remedies, reactions often occurred that could not be explained with the theory behind Bach flower therapy, but could be explained with acupuncture theory and the theory behind homeopathy. Dietmar Krämer started systematically investigating the effects, which resulted from taking the whole spores. For instance, he noticed that negative states of mind constantly worsened in spite of taking the right remedies - a reaction known only from homeopathy. For example, there was an improvement in a Bach blossom Olive state when Olive and Impatiens were taken; when Impatiens, Olive and Oak were taken at the same time, the state got worse and worse.
If you look at the similarity between the Impatiens track and the liver meridian, a key indication of this meridian is: states of exhaustion, while the Impatiens track can be briefly described as the blossom track of physical overload and predatory behaviour.

It will be clear that one should never take a trail with Bach remedies, but only a trace combination with the external remedies ('according to the Cycle of Change')
I can imagine it is dizzying at the above, but I promise to write more easily and insightfully in the next blog.

Following what I wrote above, you should be very careful with Bach remedies.

Over the years, Star Remedies blossom remedies have shown that with them, these side effects did not occur and the results were faster while still indirectly treating the meridians.

So was this the reason that Micha and I needed to make remedies so badly?
How I would love to do a double-blind study with two large groups of people, suffering from endogenous depression, taking or not taking medication.
One group the right flower remedies and the other group placebo. Despite the fact that placebo also seems to work (people's self-healing ability is "tapped"), the difference between the two groups will be huge.My great belief. In part III of these blogs, I will explain why I am so convinced of this!

Also, Part III will provide insight into the structure of this therapy. And why it is clear to me that flower remedies have nothing to do with the placebo effect. And will follow my explanation of why flower remedies act on the neural networks of humans and animals.

Madeleine Meuwessen

Where and when will regular and complementary finally start working together????

After posting my last blog, it became clear to me that I want to start by explaining how the New Therapies with the Star Remedies work in chronic situations.
I could describe a remedy every time, which I love doing, but I want to start by describing how exactly how this therapy works.
Why a person suffers from endogenous depression, how it came about, so that the reader gets an even clearer picture of the origins of e.g. this depression.
This cannot be described in one blog. It's too much. I think I will have to do it in three or four.
After that, I go on merrily again with the description of each individual blossom remedy.

Years ago, I went to Utrecht University (UU) because I am so keen on scientific research on how remedies work.
No matter what I tried, nowhere can I get my foot in the door.
I have offered to participate in every double-blind convinced (after 40 years of working with blossom remedies and having treated so many people) but these studies cost so much money....that won't or can't be spent for this.....the pharmacy doesn't benefit from this, do they?

Because I find Dr Bach's work so important (to me always the basis of flower therapy and out of respect for Dr Bach), I will start by giving a brief description of Dr Bach's work and life despite the fact that so much has already been written about him.

Bach flower therapy: Healing the body and mind
The history of Edward Bach

Dr Bach discovered back in the 1930s that certain types of flowers bring harmony to the human mind.

Edward Bach was born in 1886 in England. When he left school at the age of 16, he was determined to become a doctor. Believing he could not ask his parents to provide for the cost of the long medical education, he decided to work first in his father's copper foundry. For three years he worked in the Bach factories in Birmingham, which were very tough years for him. But it was precisely in this difficult period of his life, in the midst of fellow workers, that he gained insight into human character, which would later form the basis of his future work. Among factory workers, there was always the fear of getting sick. Getting sick meant loss of work and income for them, they often worked on because being sick also meant a heavy burden of medical expenses. He also saw that little more was being done about people's complaints than suppressing symptoms, and it became clear to him that his path would lie in finding a way of healing that would heal body and mind. Bach was convinced even then that a simple healing method had to be found, one that would cure chronic diseases.

At the age of 20, he finally started his medical training. As a medical student, he discovered during his observations at the hospital that not all patients who had the same disease were also cured with the same treatment. The same medicine, which was apparently able to cure some of them, had no effect at all on others.
He realised even then that patients with similar personalities often responded to the same medicine, while others, with different personalities, required different treatment, despite suffering from the same ailment. Thus, he found out early on that the personality of the individual was of even greater importance in disease than the body.

In his Harley Street practice, there were many patients with chronic complaints who did not benefit from any treatment. Modern medical science fell short. They focused, according to Bach, too much on the physical body. Hoping to find answers to his many questions, he began to study bacteriology and homeopathy. He discovered that certain gut bacteria had a lot to do with chronic diseases. He developed seven oral vaccines called Bach nosodes, which are still prescribed by allopathic and homeopathic doctors today.

When Edward Bach read the works of Hahnemann, a German physician of the 18th century who became known as the father of homeopathy, he concluded that there was a great similarity between Hahnemann and him, viz. that the principle of true healing lay in treating the human being and not his disease.
Bach hypothesised that the cause of illness must be negative moods such as fear, sadness, insecurity, loneliness, impatience, etc.
And this was the actual beginning of his new work.

The beginning of new work and the discovery of remedies
The urge in him grew ever greater to go into the nature of Wales, the land where his ancestors came from. In early 1930, Bach gave up his practice in London, left for Wales and used all his time to search for remedies in nature. Bach's sensitivity was greatly developed and his strong connection with nature made him feel the healing power of blossoms on his body and soul. Until 1936, Bach developed 38 remedies, each referring to a particular state of mind. The first 19 remedies Bach discovered were prepared using the "solar method". A very simple method. This involves picking blossoms, growing in their natural environment, early in the morning on a bright, sunny day. The blossoms are placed in a glass bowl filled with water from a nearby natural spring in such a way that the surface of the water is completely covered. The sun transfers the vibrations of the blossoms to the water. The blossoms remain in the bowl for about three to four hours. Then twigs or leaves of the same plant are used to remove the blossoms from the water. This solution is mixed with the same parts of brandy - this is because of shelf life. Suppose there has been half a litre of water in the bowl, which is topped up with half a litre of brandy, so you have a litre of "mother tincture". From this, two drops are used to make a "stockbottle", which is topped up with brandy. These bottles are available in the relevant shops

Since not all trees, shrubs and flowers bloom in a season when there is a lot of sunshine, the other blossoms were prepared using the boiling method: this involves boiling the blossoms for 30 minutes. Once these have cooled, everything is filtered and mixed again with the same amount of brandy and finished in the same way as in the sunshine method.

I think the amazing thing about Edward Bach is not only the discovery of the remedies, but that the 38 remedies are the actual archetypes that deal with feelings e.g. jealousy, lack of self-confidence, anxiety or depression. Everyone in the world has these feelings whether you live in the Netherlands, South Africa or Alaska. These moods are typical for all people. The same is also true for animals and flowers, trees, etc. Animals also know fear or jealousy or want constant attention, plants you put in a different corner can look wilted after a while e.g. even though they get the same amount of sun and water. They may also feel deprived if they are put in a different place because a new plant is added.

The philosophy of Edward Bach
And his classification of remedies

Bach assumed that the 38 "virtues" serve as a connection between your personality, as you manifest here on earth, and your Higher Self or soul.
If you do not act in harmony with your Higher Self, "virtues" turn into negative states of mind, e.g.:
- Out of faith: pessimism
- Out of hope: despair
- Out of bravery and confidence: fears

Through their vibrations, the blossoms restore contact with the Higher Self and help those involved further develop virtue.
"The negative soul states are not "combated" as symptoms, because doing so would maintain them energetically. Rather, they are flooded, as it were, by higher energy vibrations, causing them to, as Bach puts it, "melt away like snow in the sun".

This is how Dr Bach described the above. I will return to this later because ( given current medical developments), the outcome is the same however the scientific explanation is quite different in my opinion.

"People" have classified the 38 remedies into seven groups, (probably analogous to the seven Bach nosodes) viz.
- Fear
- Uncertainty
- Insufficient interest in the here and now
- Loneliness
- Hypersensitivity to influences and ideas
- Despondency or despair
- Overconcern for the welfare of others

However, I have not come across this anywhere in Dr Edward Bach's original work and, in my opinion, these groups were created out of ignorance.

Shortly after Bach developed the 38 remedies, he died in his sleep at the age of 50. His life's work was over. He was never able to treat many people with chronic complaints. After Edward Bach's death, his work was carried on by his two most dedicated assistants - Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen. They transferred their work back to John Ramsell and Nicky Murray, brother and sister, who became the trustees of the "Bach centre". Unfortunately, Nicky Murray's name is no longer mentioned anywhere!

Sometimes I read stories depicting Edward Bach as some kind of demigod. To my mind, he was an ordinary man, loved to have a drink in the pub, smoked more than might have been good for him, loved helping fishermen haul their boats ashore and taking walks in his beloved villages of the countryside, but through the defining characteristic of his work, viz. his selfless desire to help humanity, he has left us a tremendous legacy.

The New Therapies according to Dietmar Krämer
Dr Edward Bach was not able to expand, refine his work. Who did and still does is Dietmar Krämer, a German healing practitioner. With his vast knowledge, he has deepened Dr Bach's healing method. He has worked out a method in which it is possible to peel off problems layer by layer until you get to the deepest, underlying problem. In an old booklet by John Ramsell and Niekie Murray: "On the Bach Flower Remedies" there is a chapter:

How long do you have to apply the Remedies before any results can be seen?
There are many possible answers to this question. Much depends on how deeply rooted the problem at hand is. The following here, I think, already shows a bit of how Dietmar Krämer's New Therapies connect to Dr Bach's original work. There are many possible answers to this question. For an acute situation, for example, you can put 2 drops of any remedy into a glass of water and take small sips of it. With that you will already achieve results in such a case. However, if it is a long-standing problem, then of course many more details need to be known in order to determine which remedies are right for that person.

Figure 1 represents a seesaw in balance. With this, we indicate the balance that symbolises us in our natural state. This balance enables us to cope well with all the lessons and experiences that come our way in the course of our lives. By coping well with these situations, we are able to develop further and further. However, we are far from succeeding in all our tasks without some struggle or abnormality slowing us down or leading us astray.

Figure 2
In figure 2, someone, who is very skilled and enjoys his work, feels one day that his work is becoming a heavier burden for him than he realised. At this stage, the problem is not yet firmly rooted. A slight adjustment is needed to restore this balance. However, if he does nothing to regain his balance, the feeling of falling short will take hold. Then a snowball effect will occur: for instance, he will start doubting his own ability, whereas before he was brimming with self-confidence. This in turn can lead to all sorts of other negative moods.

Figure 3
If this slippage continues, he will eventually discover - after a period of 1 to perhaps 20 years and perhaps much longer - that he has gone completely off balance. (Figure 4). By then, his problem has taken such firm root that he is weighed down by stress, worry and anxiety. This results in him eventually collapsing. Depending on what is physically his weak point, his feeling of discomfort will be compounded by the occurrence of an ulcer, asthma, sinusitis, etc. If he is lucky enough to be in such good shape that these kinds of ailments do not occur, he is likely to collapse mentally (position D).

Figure 4

Conclusion: How long it takes for remedies to have a positive effect depends on the person's position on the slope.
Clearly, if you start treating position A, nothing will change in the balance of the seesaw.

Therein lies precisely the answer when you start working with flower remedies according to Dietmar Krämer's New Therapies.
There will be more insight into this methodology next week.
Briefly, we start from resolving the external negative states of mind first, then the negative decompensation states of mind, the negative compensation states of mind, the negative communication states of mind, level I, level II, level III, level IV and level V.

It may seem like a lot of what has been described above, however, if I then post my "working out list" in the blog as well, it will become clear to everyone and insight will come how, through flower remedies, you can take control of your own life.

Since Dietmar Krämer's method treats the "whole" human being up to level I (no further), the question might come up if this is completely complete, (which it has turned out to be over the last 27 years, that's how long I have been working with him)

Then why did I have to go and make remedies too?
I will also make this clear in upcoming blogs.

Madeleine Meuwessen

Daisy-people are extremely reliable. You can rely on them. They are responsibility-conscious, they often take on too much and they literally and figuratively carry the burden of others. They do not let even enormous difficulties get them down.
They are masters of ignoring, on principle, their states of exhaustion.
This often creates extreme physical and psychological states of tension and spasm.
And make no mistake: These muscle tensions can lead to cramping of the heart muscle.
And even with that, they don't want to be confronted. But when I ask: do you feel like there is an ironing board "under" your back or do you feel like your whole back feels like a stiff board...yes, they are willing to admit that.

The cause of all this is a misunderstood sense of duty and often you hear people say: If I don't do it, who will?

Because of their enormous willpower, they just carry on, usually unaware that they are preying on their system because they think they are acting out of duty.
They use coffee, tea or cola to get through their momentary states of weakness to come.

When they are sick, they want to get well again as soon as possible because there is no time to be sick.
After all, being sick means an obstacle to fulfilling duty!

It is also easy to recognise the Daisy state because working is seen as a virtue.

And I have another gimmick:
You will have already understood that it is not easy for Madelief people to see how they are engaging in physical overloading of their system.
I often ask: When you go on holiday, are you going to do nothing at all, be lazy, just do whatever comes into your mind at the time
you go and do all kinds of fun things, mountain hiking, cycling, rafting or whatever as long as you are busy BECAUSE otherwise it is a waste of your holiday. You only have such a short time!
And I don't mean that you can't have a cycling holiday or trek!
The pitfall lies in the "obligation" to fill the holidays well too.

I remember, years ago, we were on holiday in a small mountain village in Italy. Next to us was a family, father, mother, 4 small children. Every morning, very early, the whole family went out with mountain boots (it was the first time I saw such shoes). At the end of the afternoon, the family returned. The children muscle-white, exhausted and the father felt wonderful.
That image only came to mind when I started making the blossom remedy Daisy.

The difference between doing nothing at all in the holidays and make all kinds of plans is in "remedy language":
The blossom remedy Pure (see blog 29-10-2016), where the magic word "HUGE" is important in their vocabulary and once they are on holiday they do MANY things!
the blossom remedy Daisy, where the magic word "MUST" comes first.

You are actually using your necessary own energy.
This often leads to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels, which is again overcome by eating sweets.
This lowers blood sugar even more.
When such a low is coming, you can prevent it by eating something without sugar when you feel it coming.

This condition arises not only from working very hard or overtime but also after prolonged difficulties in private or business life.
Suppose your marriage is bad as years and you continue it only for the sake of the children
That you have been a carer for years and feel you are the "ultimate responsible person" for the sick person you care for,
..........ook then this state of mind arises.

PLIGHTBEWARE serves as an alibi for predatory health.

Physical symptoms may include:
coughing attacks,
heavy night sweats,
watery diarrhoea or constipation,
difficult bowel movements,
futile urge to defecate,
futile urge to urinate,
pain in the penis,
pain from the tailbone radiating into the lower body,
feeling of tension in the abdomen,
stiffness in the back and loins that make bending and turning over difficult,
pulling pain in the back and loins that makes bending over and turning over difficult,
pain in the hips and legs,
feeling of cold and pain in the calves,
The same in the lower legs and feet,
very hard muscles,
all allergies


As soon as I hear that children or adults wake up between 5 and 7 a.m. in winter and between 6 and 8 in summer, I am alert. If on top of that, and this is especially common in children, they perspire so much during the night, it is already an indication to me that they are preying on their bodies.

Somehow, many children need daisies. Many children in the present day have so much on their plates. They also "have to" do all sorts of things. Besides their school days, they have all kinds of often clubs. How often do I hear mothers say that they spend hours and hours just to bring their children to all the clubs. Football, ballet, gymnastics, judo and so on. Many children don't even have time to "just" play outside anymore. You don't belong anymore if you don't have a mobile phone, if you don't "tweet", if you don't post on instagram, if you don't make a snap on snapchat, if you don't broadcast live on Beme, if you're not on Facebook, if you don't etc. etc. etc.
You also often see them being tireless in everything they do and not allowing themselves a break.
They constantly push their physical limits like hunger, thirst or the desire for sleep.
They often suppress bowel movements and the urge to urinate and only go to the toilet when it is almost too late or do it in their trousers a few metres before. Some suffer from constipation as a result.
Compared to children of their age group, these children have little need for sleep.
They are more likely to skip afternoon nap than other children and endlessly postpone going to bed, even if they yawn.
If they are allowed to stay up once, unlike other children, they do not catch up on sleep and get up at the usual time the next day.
The cola drinks so cherished by the young cover up the lack of sleep, so the actual exhaustion is not visible. But what you do notice is a palpable subcutaneous nervousness, a completely tense back and night sweats.

Daisy - Small but powerful. The more it is mowed or walked on, the more the daisy multiplies all the stronger. This shows strength and perseverance, a perseverance that also goes beyond boundaries. People, who benefit from daisies are energetic and dedicated, but often exhausted inside. Daisy gives new energy in the body. Groundedness. Calmness. Relaxation. Cheerfulness. Gives satisfaction and contentment.
Also removes pain from the muscles, which often arises because you keep going on and on. Daisy also restores your resilience.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Ismene people prefer to live in their fantasy world.

They often fantasise about the future.
It is often about things they would like to have but cannot get.
And even in company, they are preoccupied with their own thoughts and completely escape what is going on around them until someone asks them something, startling them senseless.
And when they are sick they seem to have no interest in getting healthy.

You may be living more in your fantasy world than in reality. And because of this, you have no interest in the outside world and may show little interest in the situation of the moment.

Basically, you escape "harsh" reality into a dream world where everything seems much more beautiful and harmonious.

This makes you appear scattered and uninterested, appears sleepy and often walks around dreaming.

Suppose: You walk into the room to grab something. Once in the room, you absolutely do not remember what you had to grab and have to walk back where you came from to remember what you had to grab in the room again.

Say: You often drive/cycle/walk from A to B. Once you get to B and think back on the drive, it turns out that you often drove/cycled/walked on autopilot for large parts.
Actually, your mind is then very different.
Similarly, you may be watching a television programme and afterwards have absolutely no idea what it was about.

At work, Ismene people have a hard time concentrating on their work, are very easily distracted and a notable trait is that they are so forgetful.

You may also frequently bump or stumble, get caught on something, easily drop things or bump into others.

Physical characteristics are often a pale complexion, absent gaze, cold hands and feet, facial and hearing disorders, and the face often appears expressionless.

Now how does such a state of mind arise you may ask.

When people or children come to me, an important question in the anamnesis is whether they were born on the due date.
Thomas Verny writes in his book The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, that children, who are born late do not want to be thrown into the cold reality, but prefer to remain in this benevolently pleasant twilight state.

At school, they are not "there", preferring to look outside and dream what they can do.
They also don't find the subject matter interesting. And make a sleepy, absent-minded impression.
They find it difficult to concentrate because their thoughts keep "floating away".
Writing within the lines is difficult for them.
At school, they have to be forced to "stay on task". And can they look at the teacher who calls them to order like "what are you talking about"?
They often don't find food interesting and let it get cold easily.
They often have a pale face and their hands and feet are ice cold.
And just like adults, they stumble, come home with broken clothes because they got stuck behind something again, their school things are untraceable.
They have a great need for sleep as they love to lie in bed dreaming.
It is the children who dream with open eyes.

Don't these children often get diagnosed with ADD these days????
On the site of support centre ADHD, I read:
Children with ADD (ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type) stand out because they:
appear passive
being disorganised and forgetful
don't seem to be listening
often lose things
be easily distracted
have difficulty with social events in the classroom
Many of these characteristics occur to a greater or lesser extent in all children. In children with AD(H)D, there are a number of characteristics that occur to a severe degree and hinder the child's development.

Source: ADHD support centre

These children can be extremely susceptible to all kinds of infectious diseases and therefore have constant colds. This is because they often find themselves in an Ismene state.
Constant infections try to give them a stronger body awareness.

When these children and, of course, adults are shocked because they are called on the carpet by the teacher or employer, they may start to show incredibly restless behaviour and want to finish all the work as quickly as possible just to get back to their own world as soon as possible.

Don't these people often get labelled ADHD??????
Young children with ADHD stand out especially because they:
difficulty in sitting still
are easily distracted
find it difficult to wait their turn
running from one activity to another
unable to play quietly
excessive talking
interrupt others
not listening to what others say
often throw themselves into dangerous situations
difficulty in following instructions
responding differently to punishment and reward
lose a lot or lose something often
difficulty in sustaining attention
find it difficult to control themselves
Source: ADHD support centre

Also on the site of there is a lot of information about this.

A woman came to my practice who suffered extremely from this state of mind.
I asked her to fill in the, of course it was gone.
At the end of the consultation when I gave her the bill, she had lost her wallet....logical.
She had to pick up her children from school after being with me, but had forgotten what time her children got out of school.
And so it went on and on.
She felt life had no value despite being very happy with her children.
And what she finally told me was that she could remember past lives and wanted to be there much more than now in this one.
For me, that was perhaps the most intense experience of Ismene's negative state of mind.
In the end, the remedies did a lot for her.For me at the time, it was really hard to imagine that you could really remember your past lives like that.

The absent need not always necessarily go hand in hand with daydreams or fantasies, often it is also a nebulous, indefinable state in which much simply blurs and becomes intangible. The material world seems far away each time.

The flower remedy Ismene counteracts the tendency of consciousness to drift away and can therefore be a valuable remedy in many cases of unconsciousness, fainting or stroke. It brings back consciousness and is therefore able to save lives sometimes in emergency situations. Therefore, Ismene is also one of the remedies that sit in the First Aid remedy.

What the flower remedy Ismene does is really, truly bring you into the here and now. You become contemplative of everything. You get to look back at what you have done and at the same time there is a kind of goodbye to what you have done. You are able to say goodbye to "non-real illusions", which can also be quite intense at times. You come into this life with both feet.
At the same time, you start dreaming more and your creativity develops at night, which you can shape during the day.

Ismene is related to the colon meridian.

I let many "highly sensitive" people feel the remedy again in a deepening course. The answers all match again.
The remedy makes the aura more compact, a bit firmer, the aura comes a bit more "inside", and at the same time a kind of connection is created from feet to head and the line goes "through".
Feel "safer" as a result. Gives a very pleasant feeling as a result.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.


Eucalyptus people are very knowledgeable, skilled and intelligent people. Often, they are also often creative. They do not like to interfere in other people's affairs, as they do not really want others to interfere with them.
They have an inner detachment from their surroundings, are highly regarded by others and held in high regard and put on a pedestal.
They also know that they often mean more than others in many ways and, over time, allow themselves to be proud of that.
This creates even more inner distance. This does cause problems over time because it can create even more of a sense of superiority.

Abilities such as affection, understanding, empathy or love for one's fellow human beings diminish more and more, and in extreme cases real emotional poverty sets in.
This inability sometimes occurs in nobility as a result of an elitist upbringing, but also in e.g. fashion models or famous artists.
They prefer to shirk anything unpleasant, this is beneath them.
Others sometimes find the Eucalyptus man arrogant and proud.

I remember very well, years ago, a very famous Dutchman came to me for remedies. This BN'er's child was walking cash on the toes (that was the first thing I saw) and when the parent handed out autographs, the 5-year-old child would walk behind and hand out his signature too. And everyone thought it was lovely! The child was difficult to approach, had no friends and did not listen to the parents at all. Of course, the child also got remedies and the first thing I noticed again after a month was that he no longer walked on his toes. After a while, this child "just got" friends, listened to his parents and enjoyed going to school.

Often, Eucalyptus people are extremely hypersensitive to tickling.
The skin thus wants to symbolically express that contact with the environment is perceived as too intense and sometimes unbearable. Because of their excessive sensory sensitivity, they are often also oversexed or their sex life is at a very low ebb.

These capable, knowledgeable, seemingly independent people look like they are tolerant, however, do not interfere in the affairs of others
They are sought-after advisers because they remain objective and do not try to impose their will on others. They also evade disputes and do not argue because anger or strife is beneath their dignity

If he receives a reproach, he puts himself above it and he feels superior: That's too stupid for me!
They shirk from any conflict arguing for themselves: the suds are not worth the cabbage.
In a relationship, this attitude can cause a lot of problems. Suppose you are furious with your partner for whatever reason...the other person, the Eucalyptus person, then often responds with: 'Later, when you are calmer, maybe we can talk about it', often with a condescending attitude. Which makes one even more furious.

But know: often these people are also lonely, even when he is with others.
If they are sick then they want to be left alone and they are alone in their illness.
They don't really participate in life. Are outsiders, Einzelgängers.

As mentioned above:
Do they feel themselves somehow superior to or 'better' than others.
Do they avoid any confrontation
Do they consider arguments and anger beneath their dignity
And do not interfere in other people's affairs

In the first stage these people inwardly distance themselves from their surroundings.

In the second stage, they externally withdraw further from their surroundings, avoid contact with others and thus become Einzelgängers:
As a result of their contact poverty, they have few real friends and are too proud to admit they have problems
They are also too proud to accept help because they feel misunderstood in their perceived greatness by their inferior surroundings
You need to take this depression very seriously and the danger of suicide is lurking.

I remember well: Years ago, my mother-in-law lived in a retirement home. She had a neighbour with whom she could not get in touch, no matter what she tried. My mother-in-law was a woman who had good contact with everyone in the house. One day, the neighbour was found in bed, the hairdresser had visited her the day before. She was wearing her most beautiful dress. She was lying there looking beautiful. She had taken an overdose of sleeping tablets.

If Eucalyptus people are addicted, they will not take "ordinary" drugs, no.....only cocaine is good enough for them!

You see these people trying to do everything perfectly to stand out from the crowd.
In Yarrow (see blog), you can also see this perfectionism but not to stand out from the crowd, no...they do this for fear of not being liked anymore.
And with Pure people (see blog) you also see perfection, however, they want to show the outside world how good they are. There, "belonging" is the most commonly used word!

When we still had three dachshunds, one of them also had such an attitude. When she walked next to my husband, she would hold her head high in the air. She also, unfortunately, had no contact with the other dachshunds. Back then, I did not know that the flower remedy Eucalyptus was indicated for this.

And look at cats: how many cats have this behaviour? If you've been away or you punish them for something, they often turn their heads haughtily when you don't exist.

The blossom remedy Eucalyptus allows for more relaxation, that you can handle feelings more, respect others, feel more at ease in company, tactful behaviour.

This blossom remedy is related to the circulatory sex meridian.

Physically, you may experience stiffness in the neck (stiffness due to lack of humility), it is difficult to bend the head - physically as well as mentally, often headaches starting at the hairline and ending at the eyebrows You may experience problems with the left ankle, the back of the left thigh and the outside of the left foot.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Butterfly bush people are hot for many things, can make the most amazing plans, but they have little interest in everyday things.
They make great plans but are already simultaneously working on the next step, while they haven't even started the first one.

These are often highly intelligent people, who are easily bored by the situation they find themselves in, such as working below their level.
The relatively new term, used for this purpose is: bore-out

It is estimated that 15 per cent of workers suffer a lot from boredom at work whether you work in an office or are a shop assistant, gardener or psychologist. This can also happen to you if you are a housewife, make no mistake. This has nothing to do with not loving your family. So no guilt about this. No, it could be that this is caused by the tasks that are tedious for you, that wait for you every day and that you don't get satisfaction from. Every day that laundry that never seems to end, that bathroom cleaning, the endless shopping (there's food to be eaten, right?)

I have already written an article on burnout: see Hydrangea
As the name suggests, a bore-out to do with boredom. When you are given tasks to do at work that are below your level or simply do not interest you, a bore-out is lurking.
This causes procrastination because the tasks, which you have to do, are uninteresting and therefore you put off unpleasant things.

Are they totally unfocused at work they don't like, they just fiddle around
They are easily distracted from uninteresting work and as a result, they work superficially and many fleeting mistakes can be made.
It is also common that thoughts are suddenly gone and they do not remember what they wanted to say or do.
With the blossom remedy Cucumber weed (see the blog on this) the thoughts are also "just" gone. This is because one is overloaded.
With Butterfly bush people, this also happens, however the cause of this is "underloading"(because they find things so annoying).

In fact, they are constantly on the run from uninteresting things, often including themselves.

At first glance, you might think these are dreamy people. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Inwardly, they are rocket-powered because their heads are full of ideas and they make all kinds of future plans. This makes them feel constantly internally rushed.
Self-induced excess of stimuli leads to concentration disorders, poor memory and inability to meet the demands of daily life.
As a result, they become indifferent and show little interest in the present. As a result, they can be extremely unfocused and Butterfly bush people waste their time because they seem so chaotic, which is often mistaken for dreaminess.

When describing the blossom remedy Leadwort I indicated that these people collect, collect a lot. The reason for this is that they think they can use the information collected one never know!
At Butterfly bush you see that these people also collect and actually never do anything with it.

Butterfly bush people can suffer from insomnia.
Again, the difference between the blossom remedies Houttuynnia Cordata (see blog) and Butterfly bush.
Because Houttuynnia Cordata people cannot stop their thoughts (because it just grinds and grinds), they suffer from insomnia.
Butterfly bush people do not want to stop their thoughts and therefore suffer from insomnia.

Just look at adolescents, who are in such a phase. If you ask them to empty the dishwasher, they may look at you with a look of: How on earth can you ask me such a thing! And in practice, I often ask parents: Does your son or daughter look at you like you are some kind of "earthworm"? Well, that is recognised. I often come across this. Even having to do homework is often an issue! They sigh in anticipation at the idea that homework has to be done sometime anyway. And they often cry out that they will never, ever learn it!
It seems like these children (adults too, you know?) that they forget everything. The house key is always gone. The books, which they need the next day have somehow "disappeared without a trace".They don't want to go to bed or then very late (sigh), leave the light on. And so there are many more examples!
In the morning, they can't get out of bed either. And are dead tired because they either did not sleep or slept far too short.
Yes yes, puberty!

The flower remedy Butterfly Bush, created by Micha, gives overview, a "helicopter view" of all kinds of events happening in your life. So that you understand what is going on and what is happening and you can have confidence in all the changes because you gain insight into the bigger picture of events.
In significant processes, changes in e.g. work, relationships, home, menopause, sleeping, dying, Butterfly bush works gently and harmonising.

Madeleine Meuwessen

*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Butterfly bush - Buddleja davidii

People and especially adolescents, because of their inattentive nature, much in life escapes them (because they find everything trivial). They don't learn from life's lessons, which is why they keep making mistakes, like forgetting keys, leaving the gas on.
They are hot for many new things, but have little interest in everyday things.
They make great plans, are simultaneously already working on the next step, while they haven't even started the first one.
As a result, they are unfocused and careless, often starting many things at once without even finishing anything.
They have piles of newspapers waiting to be read, record all kinds of movies on video, but have never taken the time to see a film.

As a Butterfly bush person, you are often busy with unimportant things so that the actual work is left lying around. In practice, this often causes you to put off your work until the last minute.
If someone comments on you, you are quick to give as an argument: that you also have so much work.
You are constantly on the run from uninteresting, boring things, often also from yourself. You feel like you are inwardly propelled by a rocket, because your head is full of ideas and you are always busy with future plans, you constantly feel inwardly often rushed.
You may not remember what you wanted to say, your thoughts are "suddenly gone".
You can be extremely forgetful when it comes to something seemingly unimportant.

And so it happens that self-induced excess of stimuli leads to concentration disorders, poor memory and inability to meet the demands of everyday life.
As a result, you become indifferent and show little interest in the present. It seems like everything just grinds in your head and it does, at the same time you don't want to get rid of all those thoughts. Grinding can cause sleep problems.

The flower remedy Butterfly bush gives you insight from above and enables you to develop a helicopter view so that events can be perceived and analysed from above. You manage to see the bigger picture of an event.

This blossom remedy is related to the circulatory sex meridian.

Physical symptoms may include the following: itching and/or pain on the right thigh or calf, extreme physical exhaustion, painful muscle cramps at the base of the neck, pain cramps in the back muscles.

Madeleine Meuwessen

*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.