Madeleine Meuwessen

Combination 5

Combination 5
Consists of the blossom remedies: Leadwort, Women's mantle, Hydrangea, Pear, Butterfly bush, Day cuckoo flower and Star of Bethlehem.

Keywords of this combination are:
Strong intuition; being in your own power; clarity of mind; hope
Combination 5 gives you confidence in your own judgement and decision-making abilities.
You "listen" to what is important to you and stand up for your own opinion. This makes it easier for you to make decisions. You no longer allow yourself to be influenced by others, which can have considerable consequences. This could be in your private life or at work. Joy returns, as does the "meaning" of life. Rationally, you know things are within your reach again and you go for it, simply because you trust in them. Even when things are not going smoothly, you have the strength to follow your own path!

Combination 5 has a relationship with the spleen-alvine meridian so with the organs Spleen and Pancreas. A lack of energy in this meridian is always reflected in uncertainty and a weakening of the ability to think, recognise and evaluate, i.e. a disorder in the ability to judge and make decisions.

And since it has been a while since I wrote separately about the remedies of Combination 5, below is another brief explanation of each remedy separately.

Lead people lack confidence in themselves and often let others' opinions be decisive. They may collect a lot of information, have piles of books and newspapers.
Nothing should be thrown away.....after all, you never know if it might be needed again. Others may find you naive or gullible. Always asking can get on others' nerves. You don't trust your own decisions and don't listen to your inner voice. Leadwort convinces you of your own specific qualities and then lets you put them into practice. You really make decisions in and about your life. You can do this quietly now and you "oversee" the decisions you are making or about to make. You decide that now is the time to......, whatever that means for you. You "listen" to what is important to you and you also no longer let others influence you in this.

Lady's mantle
Women's mantle people are very competent and confident (to the outside world). They seem to be born leaders and they will never show prior insecurity and/or weakness
give in. Those around them may find that this makes them dominant, unscrupulous, inflexible and unfeeling. You are proud that you work so hard and can be so strict. You find
That the end justifies the means. After all, you do it for the good of the other person? Women's mantle gives women the strength (from their feminine side) to come from within themselves
realise their ambitions. There is no need to tap into "masculine" energy anymore. There are still sky-high demands on women.
And still many women make sky-high demands on themselves. She has a fantastic career, a very busy social life, a great mother, a "femme fatale" to her husband, nurse to the whole family, a top chef. You name it. The demands on women are sky-high. You see more and more "burnout" among women too.
Women need such "behaviour" to "hold their own" in the world of men. The banking world, the construction world, governments around the world, high-ranking top positions are generally "manned" (another nice word) by men. But now, if men-men could share more, engage more in consultation, rely more on their intuition and listen more to their feelings, they too could be in balance with themselves. This is why Women's Mantle is such a good remedy for men too.
So that men and women, together and in full respect to each other, can face life.

Hydrangea people are constantly searching. They are not satisfied with their existence. They feel that their lives are passing them by. You feel a great inner emptiness. You can
Feel like your head is one tangle of spaghetti. You may be tempted to engage in extreme activities such as going on extravagant trips, preferring to buy very expensive cars, immediately taking the
buy latest fashion ( and if you can't choose and you can afford it, you buy everything you like or love and forget about the purchase a little later). You find it
life meaningless. Or simply put: you are in the well-known Burnout! Hydrangea is made up of all sorts of small flowers, which form one whole. So is the state of mind associated with it. If there are lots of confusing situations in your life, whatever, the Hydrangea connects this into a whole. This remedy better connects the left and right hemispheres. As a result you are able to place things in your own way and in such a way that things become clearer and clearer.
become. You feel the space around you expand. If you struggle with reading or maths, Hydrangea "connects" the left and right hemispheres. You can more easily and
more concentrated studying.

Peer people have had a lot of difficulties in life and rationally think in advance that nothing will help anyway. You feel totally desperate in a hopeless situation
and you already resign yourself to your fate. Even if, by whatever means, there is a slight improvement, you expect that it will again not be long-lasting. Peer makes sure
you no longer automatically think: that will also go wrong again. It gives you the inner strength in yourself and lets your confidence return. It gives you back the sparkling
feeling, deep inside, back. Knowing, from your reasoning, that things will be fine now. If you have encountered difficulties many times in your life and you find yourself at the next obstacle
even before you think: this will probably go wrong again, Peer helps you to get the job done. Peer gives you the inner strength and restores your confidence. If you are before
yourself claim you can do it, then you can. You can embrace life again with full confidence because it "gives back" your inner, true trust in life.
Peer: doesn't bother anymore (client's quote).

Butterfly bush
Butterfly bush people are often with their thoughts in the future. They think about what all they want to do in the future. How they want to fill their lives. The present comes their
not that interesting to them. As a result, they are all too happy to put off unpleasant chores. They easily forget where they left their keys or turn off the gas
to do. Often arrive late to appointments. Butterfly bush gives insight from above like a butterfly. This remedy enables you to develop a helicopter view so that you can
events from above and you can see the bigger picture of an event. You no longer fall into repetition. You are able to draw lessons from your own

Day cuckoo flower
Day cuckoo people suffer from a lack of self-confidence. And they suffer from fear of failure You hardly dare to address others. Exam anxiety often torments you weeks before the actual exam. You consider yourself incapable of many things and often have a strong feeling of inferiority. Day cuckoo flower strengthens your self-awareness. It brings about the process that enables you to show yourself, that you are allowed to be there. It strengthens your self-confidence. You can unfold your own personality. You stand with both feet on the ground. "I am coming forward to be there".

Star of Bethlehem
Star of Bethlehem people have suffered injuries in life. A psychic shock can disrupt the entire energetic nervous system. They suffer from grinding thoughts, however, only about unpleasant, painful situations. You feel grief at disappointments or after an accident or the loss of a loved one. The consequences of a pregnancy or a childhood trauma or shock can still have major repercussions today. And with every injury, the wound is further opened up.
This is the reason Star of Bethlehem has been added to every combination. Experiences: A nurse, after being pregnant for eight months, loses her baby daughter. After taking the remedy, it turns out (she felt she had given a place to this loss from years ago), that she had dreamt at night of her baby and also of the first child who had died in hospital during her shift. In the morning, she woke up with a feeling of: how could I have dreamt about this, it was so long ago. It turns out that it is now really out of her system and really "done" with it. She underwent this with joy. The old blockage was gone. The remedy really helps dissolve these blockages of old wounds. And gives joy. An old blockage that every person has is the trauma of birth. Tip: With every birth, I recommend putting 6 drops of Star of Bethlehem in the baby's bath water or the bottle in the cot to "neutralise" the birth shock.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.