Madeleine Meuwessen


It has been a deafening silence over the last few months. The last blog I wrote was dated 23 March 2020. In it, I described what fear does to people.
Somehow I did not get around to writing a new blog and the answer to this has become clear to me over the past few months.

Partly because of Hans Moolenburg Sr's book "You can do much more than you think". In this book, he describes Bach remedies, among other things.
I will reproduce some of his quotes here (with permission from the publisher Lemniscaat ISBN 978 90 477 0606 9) for which my thanks!
Such as: "From the outset, Bach's flower essences were a decisive success, but they took a heavy toll on Bach: having to go through all the mental and physical suffering, he was burnt out and died after seven years. But his method did not die with him, and Bach flower therapy even experienced a true renaissance in the second half of the 20th century."

I finally "dared" to recognise how much strength it took me to create a whole new series of remedies. For the last twenty years, I just kept going. It "had to", there was no other way. After making the last remedy Snowdrop, I knew that for the first upcoming years no new remedies will be added. Later, very much later, there will be another one, not now. And yes, without ever being aware of it in the beginning, I had to go through all the emotions.
Now I feel like I am recovering and that does me tremendous good.

Another quote:
"After this Bach Blossom explanation (he writes a little more about it), I do have to get off my chest how much more complicated diagnosis and therapy have become compared to Bach's time, when the great pollution had not yet begun and our immune systems were mainly busy doing something they had been doing for thousands of years: fending off infections. It is striking how much more complicated therapy has become compared to some 40 years ago. Back then, most cases resembled the first five case histories in this chapter (which is why the book is highly recommended) and therapy took a few months. Now, however, I am happy if therapy can be completed after a year because, as mentioned, our children's immune systems take heavy blows and take longer to get in order."

Children are known for their enormous learning ability. Especially young children, compared to adults, are generally stars at learning and remembering new things. But how is this actually possible and why does one child learn a lot easier than another?

Everything has to do with fundamental differences between the young and adult brain. In the first few years after birth, the child brain grows at breakneck speed. First, primary functions such as sensory perception and attachment develop, followed by aspects such as thought and language development.

But back to the Corona era.

I can so imagine emotions arising that you have not had or known before.

Below, I want to give an explanation of why and how these arise. What relationship all these negative feelings have with each other. And that it is not weird now to perceive emotions in yourself that didn't bother you before.

In my previous blog, I had described what this period does to people.
I am not going to cite again here, as is written everywhere, about the anxiety, the depression, the stress and you name it.
You can't open a newspaper or magazine and yes....Corona.
The news...yes Corona.
The pros and cons about vaccination.
The pros and cons about the cabinet. mutation of virus.

I started thinking what I could handle with this.
Because of this, last week I made a combination of Chakra I, Chakra IV and Chakra VII. I made this combination from the mother tincture of all the remedies and, just as I made the combination Protection, put it in a very small bottle to carry with you.

I have already given these combinations to several people and want to send 10 again to those, who are interested in them.

What I want to talk about in this blog is to explain why anxiety, depression, heart disease loneliness and you name it lurks.
Many times I have written that Br. Bach started making remedies.
The one, who extended his work, is my dear colleague Dietmar Krämer.

This will give you an insight into how our bodies work and what emotions do in our system. Negative emotions can cause disturbances in the meridians (read The Emotional DNA by Prof Dr Pierre Capel ISBN 978-94-026-0207-4) and damage the associated organs, such as anxiety the kidneys.

This anxiety which also "includes" depression, hypochondria, inner anger and lethargy, is seen to arise with disrupted the Kidney and Stomach meridians.

Chakra I is the combination of remedies I have already written about in the blog of 23 March last.
Italicised below

Combination 1
Combination of Herb-rose-me-not, Mask flower, Aster, Immortelle, Cucumber herb, Cucumber herb 2, Day cuckoo flower, Star of Bethlehem.

Main issue
Concrete anxiety, fear of illness, feeling of depression of unknown cause, overwork.

Concrete fear relates to everyday things, such as thunderstorms, animals, the dentist, accidents, water, the hospital, injections, flying, aggression from others, pain, the world, driving, death (with the suffering that can accompany it) and employers. But it also includes fear of heights, depths and claustrophobia. You seek safety as compensation, but you translate it on a subconscious level as a feeling of loneliness, which makes you look for audiences to whom you can make your feelings known. Listening to others is not your forte: you tend to take over the conversation at the first opportunity that arises to talk about your own problems. And if possible, you would like a comforting arm around your shoulders in the process. The next problem that arises is that you start to feel dejected or experience an inexplicable melancholy. Then you wonder where this gloominess comes from after all. After all, you have everything your heart desires and there is no saving grace at all for depression. You may even feel that others demand too much of you. Perhaps that is justified, but not necessarily so. The gloom comes mainly because you look up to even the smallest things enormously. It makes you wonder whether you can handle them. During an exam, you run the risk of a total blackout. You feel unable to cope with the fact that society is making more and more demands these days and that reinforces your anxiety. The people to whom combination 1 applies are very sensitive. Think of people who are easily affected by loud noises, unkind comments from others, extreme cold or other strong stimuli. This remedy eventually brings the kidney meridian back into balance.

Combination 2
Combination of Poppy, Water lily, Grace herb, Bali, Cucumber herb, Cucumber herb 2, Day cuckoo flower, Star of Bethlehem.

Main issue
Depression from known cause, lack of confidence, fear of financial problems, resentment, bitterness, anger that continues to smoulder under the surface, anger at humanity, lack of energy, inward struggle
given up, not feeling like anything anymore, feeling overloaded.

If you are a worrier, often worry and tend to cling to the negative quickly, this is the right combination for you. The same applies if you constantly fear that you won't be able to keep your head above water financially. Your
glass is usually half-empty rather than half-full. And your motto is: first see, then believe.
You experience depressive feelings that, in your opinion, arise
by outside situations. If you expect difficulties, that in itself is a negative attitude. You tend to 'rehash' events and are strongly
focused on meaning. These traits make life quite tough, especially if you regularly slip into the victim role, and you do! Then you constantly ask yourself: 'Why does this have to happen to me now?' Anger, bitterness and resentment
may result. Not that you easily ignite in anger, but you frequently make prickly remarks. The cause under this pattern is often too little or no self-confidence. And because life is 'heavy on your stomach', you are a candidate for stomach complaints. This remedy eventually brings the stomach meridian back into balance.

Since Chakra I is again connected to Chakra IV in which there is the feeling of being "at the mercy of others", of having ended up in a situation you can't get out of (of course, you also see this in war situations), in which you have no "power of disposition" ( I don't know if it's an existing word but that's how I experience it) over your own life, sleep disorders, grinding thoughts, enormous fatigue, sadness can arise.
Heart and/or bladder problems may also develop.

Also feeling that everything from what's coming at you takes away your energy.
Chakra IV is an amalgamation of the remedies, which stand for Combination 7 and 3.
Listed below in italics.

Combination 7

Combination of Queen of Shores, Houttuynia Cordata, Fire Thorn, Coral Cactus, Protection, Star of Bethlehem.

Main issue
Not being able to stand injustice, being overenthusiastic, having grinding thoughts and not being able to fall asleep because of this, sadness.

A combination for when you are very enthusiastic, have strong ideals and like to convince others of their importance. If they don't go along with your ideas, you get disappointed. And if you don't achieve your ideals, the disappointment about this becomes
bigger and bigger and harder to cope with. So much so that you can become very angry or depressed. The problem is that you absolutely cannot stand injustice and fight like a lion to make the world a better place. In the process, you have high expectations of yourself. You can become so fanatical that when others thwart your plans, you even become inwardly cramped. Yet you keep arguing to persuade others to share your ideals and fight what you see as injustice. Because that injustice is hard for you to grasp, shocks you and can therefore be too much for you. It also causes intense grief. Then you are no longer able to stop your thoughts and it keeps grinding in your head. There you feed
Constant conversations with yourself that keep repeating themselves. You keep grinding and grinding. Getting to sleep becomes a difficult task, because at night this process seems to intensify. You stay awake for hours and the next morning you wake up dead tired.
This remedy eventually brings the heart meridian back into balance.

Combination 3
Combination of Yarrow, Flutewort, Coral Cactus, Forgiveness, Firethorn,
Day cuckoo flower, Star of Bethlehem.

Main issue
Not being able to say 'no', not being able to set boundaries, being too nice, anger, guilt, sadness.

If you have difficulty saying 'no', are often too amiable, sweet and accommodating, this is the combination for you. If you are very accommodating, it is common to lose energy in front of others. You then notice that you are very tired
becomes. The cause is that you cannot delimit yourself enough. You feel that others are quick to appeal to you and that you always come second. For the sake of sweet peace, you give in and do not stand up for yourself. The underlying reason is fear of losing the love of others.
Because this pattern is established, there comes a time in your life when you get very angry. Even the smallest obstacles can trigger a tantrum. Because others are assertive and take good care of themselves, you may become jealous of them deep down. This feeling can sometimes grow into envy, even though you would hate to admit it. A negative spiral ensues in this way, because these very feelings trigger guilt. You become afraid of losing the people you love. One characteristic is the tendency to constantly say "sorry" and "I'm sorry", even when there is no reason to. Compliments are hard for you to accept and you usually wimp out. After all, you think what you have accomplished is quite normal. In your heart, you even think you could have done much better. If something goes wrong, you mainly blame yourself and if someone else blames you, you are very sensitive to this (out of guilt). You can also blame yourself for all sorts of things, such as not giving your children or partner enough love. A guilty conscience is common. This causes grief and with every new shock, however small, you feel the resulting psychological wound getting bigger and bigger. Each disappointment you experience afterwards becomes harder to cope with. As do shocking news stories, whether you hear them from others around you or they come to you through television. A feeling of sadness soon follows. This remedy eventually brings the bladder meridian back into balance.

This is also where Chakra VII comes in.
Chakra VII is related to the Lung and Thin bowel meridian.
This includes the longing for "the way it was before Corona". When we are all vaccinated....we can go back to "normal".
Among other things, the lung meridian is responsible for the rhythmic ordering of life, i.e. the rhythms of day and night. There is also a disturbance in this during this Corona period because life is not "normal" now. Which in turn can suffer in a disruption of the steering hormone Melatonin. This in turn can cause depression, insomnia and and extreme fatigue.

Chakra VII is an amalgamation of the remedies, which stand for Combination`12 and 8.
In italics again below

Combination 12
Combination of Yellow Mayflower, Motherwort, Turquoise, 3-Union, Day Cuckoo Flower, Herb-rose-me-not, Star of Bethlehem.

Main issue
Unable to let go, fear of the one you love, wanting to keep control, glorifying the past, homesickness, wanting to initiate necessary changes but letting outsiders hold you back.

This combination suits those who fear losing others, are kind and helpful, always thinking of the well-being of others and putting their own needs second. While these may seem like wonderful traits, when it turns out
that the people you are always there for reject or ignore your well-meaning advice, you get very sad. And sometimes also very angry, but you don't like to show it. You struggle when your children leave home, the so-called empty nest syndrome. Even if they still live at home and go on holiday with a friend, you find it difficult. Grief takes over and you like to vent it to those around you. It can even take such forms that life no longer makes sense to you, or at least that's what you would like another person to believe. But it's actually about you not agreeing with the situation and wanting to show that in an indirect way. Also, you seem to be getting all kinds of physical complaints because of this situation, which your environment then has to take into account.... find.

The cause of this state of mind is actually a deep fear of being left alone and that there will be no one you can fall back on. To keep that other person attached to you, you develop a behaviour where you are constantly caring for that person. It seems like your life revolves solely around the happiness and health of your family, friends and acquaintances. You behave excessively anxious towards everyone and cry out that you 'sense' everything. Because fear of others can take over so much, you may retreat into the past to escape it. You start idealising the past and lament how beautiful everything used to be: 'the good old days'. How wonderful it was when the children were small. In short, an exaggerated sense of nostalgia. In addition, this longing can also be accompanied by regretting the things you didn't do in the past. You exclaim that if you had the chance to do something over, you would seize it with both hands. The realisation that you need to change certain things in your life eventually does penetrate, such as finally letting go and letting others go their own way. You also need to have faith that those you love can also take responsibility for their own lives. How to bring this about in yourself, you are not sure. You too are a type sensitive to outside influences, both emotional and physical. This remedy finally brings the lung meridian back into balance.

Combination 8
Combination of Knotweed, Queen of Shores, 3-Union, Turquoise, Butterfly bush, Day cuckoo flower, Star of Bethlehem, Houttuynia Cordata.

Main issue
Hidden worries, overenthusiasm, deep despair, the will to initiate necessary changes but being held back by outsiders.

This combination is suitable for those who do everything just to keep the sweet peace. You want everyone around you to live in harmony. On top of that, you are extremely sensitive and cannot tolerate arguments at all. To keep that
reason, you prefer to avoid conflicts. However, the outside world does not notice these inner processes going on inside you, but sees you mainly as a happy, tidy and carefree person, even if you have many problems. That outside world also includes your partner, parents or children. The moment you are tormented by worries, fears or anxious suspicions, it is often difficult for you to go to bed. You prefer to keep watching television or sitting at your computer to avoid being confronted with your own inner disharmony. However, this disharmony cannot be pushed away, with the possible result that you become distracted
seek in drink, drugs or medication. Not infrequently, this type plays the buffoon in the pub. It remains superficial, because you are not good at making deep contacts. As soon as someone gets too close to you and threatens to glance behind your mask, you give up. Because this disharmony is not easy to live with, you try to change your life and change the world at the same time. You become, as it were, a missionary for whom the desire to convert others can be very compelling. But your behaviour does not stem from a pure intention, it is compensatory behaviour. Nor do you take the opportunity to look at your own inner self. And then when you don't achieve what you have in mind, you collapse, so to speak. You feel abandoned by God and everyone else. You
are desperate and see no way out. This type tends to be overweight, especially around the waist. You have tried all diets, but as soon as you stop, the kilos fly back on. The full moon makes you restless and prevents you from falling asleep
come. And when sleep finally does set in, you can sometimes grit your teeth and not know where it comes from. Tension is also visible in your face during the day: muscle twitches or tics are not uncommon. You are very sensitive to external influences, both emotional and physical. Deep inside, you know you need to change your attitude to life, but how is not clear to you. This remedy eventually brings the small intestine meridian back into balance.

I fully realise that this time it has become a hugely elaborate blog.

I sincerely hope this will help you a little further.

Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.

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