Lady's mantle
During one of the Star Remedies courses, I asked the course participants why Máxima is so loved by the vast majority of the Dutch population after all. Their answers included: her charisma, her charisma, her knowledge, her genuine interest in all kinds of matters, she is gorgeous, always beautifully dressed, she really loves Alexander and much more. I said that was all true, but then how come she in particular, among the royal family, still stands out so much. There was no immediate answer there.
My idea about her is that she is fully in touch with her own feminine power/quality and from there she feels and does everything with her heart in her daily life.
This is real, this is not contrived and when you do things as a woman, from your feminine energy, you get so much power to do it all.
Over 40 years ago, I graduated and the topic of our dissertation was: emancipatory work.
Together with a fellow student Carla, who later became one of my best friends, we set up women's work in our village.
For several years, we facilitated women's discussion groups, organised theme nights. It was in the middle of the time when the Dolle Mina's were making themselves heard.
It was a feminist group that campaigned for equal rights between men and women in the 1970s.
The starting point from the 1950s is that married women, and certainly mothers, need/need/can't do any paid work outside the home.
It was not until the 1960s that cracks appeared in the male stronghold of paid employment.
There is a small group of well-educated, ambitious women who, despite marriage and their children, want to have a good job.
With the baby boom generation, during the 1960s, the number of women with higher education rises rapidly and with it the breakthrough of women into the labour market.
Since the family I grew up in already did not "do" gender inequality (my mother always had a full-time job), I sometimes struggled with the fierce, but very understandable, struggles of the Dolle Minas.
A different understanding emerged in me about feminism and emancipation.
Not only women had to emancipate, men had to do the same.
My lotto was: revalue "masculine" norms among men and women and upgrade "feminine" norms among women and men.
Generally, "male" means"
Ratio, assertive, analytical, organising, doing, left-brain, sun,too much,
logical, the giving principle and many, many more wordings
'Female' means:
Emotion, the subconscious, intuitive, caring, receptive, right-brain,
moon, too little, surrender, structure, the receiving principle
And also many and many wordings
Personally, I still have a bit of a problem with the wording "male" and "female"
Back to Máxima:
Because, in my view, she is very much in touch with her "feminine" power and also able to integrate her "masculine" power very well from her "feminine" power, she is very much in balance with herself. And an example of how the positive quality of the flower remedy Women's Mantle is.
Women's mantle people are very competent and confident (to the outside world). They seem to be our born leaders and they will never admit prior insecurity and/or weakness. Those around them may find that this makes them dominant, unscrupulous, inflexible and unfeeling. You pride yourself on working so hard and being able to be so strict. You feel that the end justifies the means. After all, you do it for the good of the other person?
Women's mantle people will never admit their state of weakness and insecurity. It may also be possible that the person is completely unaware of this state, as it may be far in the past or may have only occurred for a very short period of time. It is also irrelevant whether the person cannot remember whether this has ever applied to him. Sometime during the course of therapy, these symptoms will come back into the field of vision of consciousness anyway.
Towards those around them, they show themselves to be: strict, self-assured, hard-learners, dominant, ruthless, unscrupulous, unscrupulous, inflexible, unable to conform to others, devoid of feeling.
Women's mantle gives women the power (from their feminine side) to fulfil her ambitions from within herself. You no longer need to deal with "masculine" energy
Still women are made sky-high demands. And still many women make sky-high demands on themselves: a fantastic career, a very busy social life, a great mother, a "femme fatale" for her husband, nurse for the whole family, a top chef. You name it. A sky-high set of demands . You see more and more "burnout" among women too. Women need such "behaviour" to "hold their own" in the men's world.
Women's mantle gives men the power to share better, engage more in consultation, rely more on their intuition and listen more to their feelings, so they can also be in balance with themselves. This makes this remedy perfect for men.
So that men and women, together and in full respect to each other, can face life.
In children, this state of mind often shows itself that even when they are very small they are constantly trying to impose their own will
If other children do not play the way they want then they very quickly become aggressive and try to use violent, mean things - biting, scratching, pinching - they try to force their ideas on others
Towards parents and teachers, even in the face of drastic punitive measures, they behave inflexibly.
When they don't get their way at home, they have violent tantrums and in extreme cases they even lash out, kicking at their parents, slamming doors.
In their anger, they may even destroy their parents' belongings or their own toys.
They often try to tyrannise the weak, with their perceived power giving them satisfaction.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Where and when will regular and complementary finally start working together????
As you know, I have already dedicated blogs on collaboration regular and complementary namely (16-04-2017, 23-04-2017 and 14-05-2017).
People, who have known me for a long time, know that if I were young only 17 (oh no...71) I would study epigenetics.
What is epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the discipline within genetics that studies the influence of reversible heritable changes that occur in the behaviour of a cell without changes in the sequence (order of base pairs) of DNA in the cell nucleus. It also studies the processes that affect the unfolding development of an organism. In both cases, it studies how gene regulatory information that is not expressed in your genotype is nevertheless passed on from one generation to the next. This type of regulation can target DNA, RNA or proteins and operates at the level of the cell nucleus or cytoplasm. Nucleosomes play an important role here.
And the above is quite a mouthful. In my words: I have always felt that somehow you can turn genes on or off. That states of mind play a big part in this. And that flower remedies have a big part in this. Just as blossom remedies have a big impact on neural networks.
I also always say that I work with remedies to resolve chronic complaints. I don't give someone a "few drops" and it's solved. Nor do I use remedies as an "add-on" to ....???? It is a stand-alone therapy. Working with remedies the way I (and many therapists with me) do causes neural networks to change.
A simple explanation: "Uncle Scrooge Duck walks in circles in his money warehouse. One lap is not seen. However, if Dagobert Duck starts walking several and thus more frequent rounds (because he is worried about something again), one sees a trail forming on his low money. If someone has not been feeling well for a long time, e.g. due to endogenous depression or has far too much on her/his plate, such a "trail" starts to form in the neural networks, which reinforce and deepen over and over again; the connections formed over a long period of time, just like the tracks of Uncle Scrooge Duck in his warehouse, are very deep and firmly connected to each other. In Dagobert Duck's money warehouse, the formation of his circle has become so concrete that it cannot be levelled simply and quickly. This again requires a lot of time to fill/change this formed path in his warehouse."
So patterns and shapes (so using Dagobert Duck's famous running around in his warehouse as an example) that have been present for a long time have very strong connections between them at the neural level; neurons that fire together, work together.
Something that has been present for a long time does not go away with a few drops, no.... you start working with the flower remedies "step by step" (after an extensive history). And that is a process that can take a longer time which again has to do with the flexibility of the neural network and the strain people carry.
I will come back to this later.
But what does that have to do with Part IV?
I was in the car a heard an interview by Pierre Capel, emeritus professor of experimental immunology at Utrecht University. That appealed to me so much that I immediately ordered his book. Got it the next day and didn't stop until it was out. The book is full of notes because I found so much recognition in what he writes and what I "know" and the way I work. An example: Pierre Capel writes about the stress response in chapter 6. The statement "a little stress can't hurt" is absolutely correct, as long as it is about acute stress (then you can also take a water solution with the right remedy), but chronic stress is a real assassin. What he then describes in this chapter and what symptoms come from this, I tell just the same in our training. It is so similar. Then you understand that I was totally in a hurrah mood. He also describes e.g. in chapter 20 "Feelings don't exist, they arise": that medicine focuses its attention mainly on reductionist thinking. And that in the field of interactions between systems, processes and forces arise, which are not or hardly recognised in classical medicine.
I don't want to add anything further or interpret the book my way. I just want to point out to you that the insights Pierre Capel describes in this book warmed my heart and I found so much recognition.
I also got in touch immediately. There will be further contact. I know he will come to a Deepening Course in late 2018 or early 2019 (there is no new course before then) to explain more.
We immediately put his book on sale and are also allowed to give away 5 copies.
Not a very easy read....but what a read!
Madeleine Meuwessen
The Emotional DNA
Feelings do not exist, they arise
When we talk about our feelings, we can usually describe them exactly. But how they arise, where they come from and, more importantly, what they all do to us, we often don't know. They swirl throughout our bodies like a fog. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that feelings are linked to rock-hard biochemistry. They not only affect the onset and course of diseases, but also determine health and even our lifespan.
Based on extensive studies, Pierre Capel explains with astonishing clarity how feelings drive our health and how we can influence this, thereby improving our quality of life. In our culture, we think we are mostly rational beings, but is this really true? Positive and negative feelings have an incredibly strong effect on the occurrence and course of all kinds of diseases, such as infertility, arteriosclerosis, depression, tumours, diabetes, etc., but also on symptoms such as pain and anxiety. Sports, yoga and meditation can bring huge positive change in this regard. Emotional DNA combines the magical world of feelings with molecular biology; a world that turns out to be amazingly clear and stripped of existing preconceptions in this fascinating book.
Pierre Capel is emeritus professor of experimental immunology at Utrecht University. Besides years of fundamental and molecular biological research within the field of immunology, he has also worked on the development of new therapies and insights in the field of bone marrow and kidney transplantation and the development of antibody-based immunotherapies. In recent years, he has studied the biochemical background of sports, yoga and meditation. He regularly holds lectures and guest lectures on this subject at home and abroad.
Rose people cannot take criticism and are very fond of picking on others. They often look for the negative and therefore always find a hair in the soup somewhere.
They have no sympathy for minor mistakes of others and tolerance is alien to them.
They often express this through razor-sharp humour and cynical criticism. They can become irate and even buffoonish. They like to hit below the belt! Or if someone says something to them, they reply, "Yes, but you have that too, don't you?".
This behaviour, understandably, does them no good in the long run and each time others will turn away from them more.
There are also Roos people, who do not express this but "inside" criticise everything and everyone, who is "stupid" in their eyes.
Also typical is especially the indignant reproach:" How can you!" with mouth corners pulled down.
Actually, they authoritatively defend themselves against minor mistakes of others to cover up the attention of their own failure because they do not want to admit their own imperfection.
It is their own small imperfections that afflict their vanity and pride and confound their deep-seated sense of superiority.
A Dutch saying well known to all of us:
Seeing the mote in the other person's eye, but not the beam in your own eye
This exactly characterises Rose people. Roses have thorns for a reason.
Over the years, I have noticed that Roos people belong to a minority group can belong (not necessarily always) and have had to swallow a lot of humiliation or hatred for this reason. This has made my own opinion regarding these people much milder.
Often, these people are hardly even bothered by it and are hardly or not aware of this attitude. "Others are often hypersensitive" is their credo. However, their intolerance can manifest in their own bodies so that they can start reacting extremely violently to "insignificant" trifles, which in turn can manifest as various allergies.
You see this same behaviour in children.
They like to mock and bully others. It may even give them pleasure to laugh at others and may secretly rejoice when others hurt themselves. If other children make a mistake, they even get cheerful about it. They may also be reluctant to go to school because the teacher or the other children are so "stupid".
Even when a baby brother or sister is born, for example, they may secretly pinch it under the guise of a stroke (which can be very harsh).
It seems like these children "smell" when other children have difficulty saying "no". And precisely these children (see blog Yarrow 20-02-2016 and 27-02-2016) are bullied by Roos children.
Rose children often feel unhappy because friends no longer want to play with them. Simultaneously, they quickly feel belittled by older or other dominant children.
Their cheekiness knows no bounds and does not even stop for an adult. When their mother is angry with them, they even laugh at her or mimic her. And it seems like you have absolutely no control over them and they "get the blood under their nails".
And the more irritated an adult becomes by their behaviour, the bolder these children react.
The blossom remedy Rose, together with the blossom remedy Butterfly Bush (see blog 28 January 2017) is so good for these children!
The rose is the sign of harmony, of love. Because of her thorns, she has to fend for herself in life, but also gives a lot of love, stands for true friendship. She holds within her the great secret, the secret of human happiness. When she no longer has to "prick", she is able to open up fully in friendship and love. You become more tolerant. You get more humour so the sharp humour disappears. The remedy works on your laughing muscles. You are able to openly allow new impressions from outside. You see things as they are, unbiased.
Some of the experiences of students in testing:
Makes big, heavy but pleasant, calm in action,
Gives strong energy in heart area,
Things take on their own colour. Like you can see them as they are,
More dimension comes into the picture,
Grounding very strong, boundary for too many new impressions from outside,
Awake, bright colours, growth, alert,
I want to move on, keep going, no brakes,
Glowing healing heat,
Straight back, emotions, awake, bright,
At left eye and around it strong pull
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Wild Apple people are conscientious, neat people who have very precise ideas about the immaculate condition of their homes, their work or their bodies.
And you can already feel it coming, bulimia and anorexia belong here too. As do cleaning compulsions and a fear of blemishes.
In practice, I come across many adults and children who "have to count", MUST walk along the edge of the pavement, MUST touch things very often, and so there are many compulsions.
They often get stuck on finicky details. It is for neat, tidy, people, who want to do everything in their lives very precisely. Because of all these wonderful, yet Calvinistic, traits, they become a slave to all the things, which they have to do very precisely. They may also feel inside that they are not clean/clean. You may also develop an aversion to "mental" pollution such as unsavory thoughts and "bad tendencies", such as the idea that sexual intercourse is morally wrong and filthy. You find it difficult to go to a strange toilet and open the toilet doors with your elbows. You fear bacteria. You have an abhorrence of pimples. You find that gross, just like sweaty feet, pets or blood.
With Wild Apple children, you see that their room is always clean and tidy, that their Lego bricks or building blocks are sorted by colour and size.
These children always want to look neat and clean, and the slightest stain on a T-shirt or a shirt they have transpired in will make them put on clean clothes.
They wash remarkably often, because they find their own perspiration and/or skin irregularities just as bad as perspiration, dirt or rashes of others.
They will also never take anything from another person's cutlery or a piece of their sibling's bread.
They are model pupils at school and even excel in subjects they have no interest in. Nor are they satisfied with an 8, let alone a, ideally they want a 10 or if possible an 11.
If you often have the thoughts that you are afraid of contamination, of infections. That you do everything very precisely. That you only want to stand out positively. That you do your work extremely meticulously. That everything has to be in order, because otherwise it usually causes you stress in yourself. And if you don't succeed, you feel you have fallen short afterwards. That you let trifles dominate you and therefore often get stuck in details.
If you are hypersensitive to disorder. And that it bothers you yourself, even others.
If you have an aversion to snakes and spiders (i.e. not a fear) but that you find them dirty.
That you would prefer to shower twice a day.
That you get nauseous from strange toilets and prefer to hold it in until you get home if possible.
That when you have sexual intercourse, you actually feel like you are doing something dirty.
If so, Wild Apple could help you break that rigidity.
And so I have a few more examples, which Wild Apple people may have as thoughts: If I ate something wrong or ate too much, I stick a finger down my throat to vomit it out again, otherwise I feel dirty. With alcoholics and drug addicts, I want nothing to do with.
Never in my life have I forgotten the film I saw 40 (!) years ago at HBO college. The film was about people with compulsions. And one aspect of the film was about a woman who cleaned herself vaginally with Vim (that's what it was called back then) using a toothbrush. Can you imagine the problems that caused. I didn't understand any of it at the time.
There was also a woman, who cleaned the corridor all day while the entire rest of the house was one mess. And when her husband came home from work in the evening, he had to undress on the mat and was given clean clothes by her.
So what causes this extreme state of mind? For fear of becoming unfaithful to their own ideals, they will avoid anything that tempts to, for them, immoral acts. The feeling of being unclean takes on an independent character and is projected into every conceivable area of life. The "inner" pollution is transferred to the environment, in which every form of impurity is fiercely opposed. In fact, everything we fight in our environment is precisely that which hinders us in ourselves, according to the inescapable law that the inner is not independent of the outer. Consequently, the ideology predominant in the Pure state (see the blog of 29 October 2016) questions itself in the Wild Apple state. The development of "life-foreignness" in the Pure state has led itself into "hostility" to life in the Wild Apple state, which is a dead end. You are constantly fighting against the environment perceived as "hostile" and that on all levels simultaneously. This defensive attitude can manifest itself physically as "allergy".
At Pure --- strict "life-hostile" principles---cannot live up to them---feels unclean at every violation. The feeling becomes independent and is projected on all possible levels
Pure: "alien to life". Wild Apple: "hostile to life", sterile, constantly fights the environment that looks hostile to her/him - possibly on all levels simultaneously. This remedy helps us purge out what for us are head and side issues.
I want the piece on Pure and Wild Apple to show how your emotions transition from one negative state of mind to another.
And once I have described all the blossom remedies, I will start describing the relationships between certain remedies as above so that it is going to become clear to everyone where and why those negative emotions eventually arose anyway.
And how I recognised myself in this.
I thought it was quite normal to comb the fringe off my rugs several times a day. Also, my mother always proudly told me that you could put a ruler along my jumpers, that's how precise they were in my wardrobe. I also thought that was quite normal. But as a child I also suffered badly from "touch-tapping", as I call it. I often had to "touch" things and if I didn't, I would get very restless and all sorts of bad visions would appear in my head. Everything had to be perfect. And that was of course true at school, in my ballet classes.
I can also imagine that it must not have been very nice at all for those around me (I'm sure!) because I naturally expected others around me to be like that too. That was my blind spot.
And I still like it when my house, my practice, my garden, you name it, is in order, but I no longer let it affect my life. And what is the positive side of all this for me is that it is so calm in my head when everything is in order. I will never get messy and my "tidiness" has brought me many positive things in my life. So how nice is it when all this is balanced ............. thanks to the remedies.
Wild Apple releases the compulsions that so often rule your life.
And it lets you see your life in the right perspective and you will no longer be thrown off guard by trifles.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
I can well imagine hearing you say: what does Sleeping Beauty have to do with blossom remedies.
Well...basically nothing and basically everything.
This blog is not directly about remedies (I published the last one of the season) but I like to end with something cheerful. I have also had such a fine message. I will briefly describe the impetus behind this.
My start:
On the platform of Central Station, a woman stood for months from May 1945, waiting and hoping to see if one more family member would return by one of the trains from the camps. She was heavily pregnant. No one came back.
That woman was my mother...... and was pregnant with me.
From the age of three, I started going to ballet. Six years old, I was already doing performances on pointe (unthinkable now). When I was seventeen and almost finished my training, I could no longer walk because of severe back pain. I had been taught by Sonia Gaskell, Mascha ter Weeme and especially Florrie Rodrigo. So many doctors were visited, no one could find anything (yes, they had all sorts of suspicions) and all I was told was that I should never dance again. And gone was my big dream!
I didn't want to know anything more about ballet. And when even Nureyev came to the Netherlands, I didn't want to go and see it at first. I couldn't handle that. On the advice of some people, I went anyway and spent the whole performance crying.
Life went on. When I was forty-three, I heard that Barry Stevens was going to open a ballet school where you could do single, professional lessons. Eventually I had the courage to apply and ask if I too could do lessons. And I could. It took two years before I could look in the mirror, during lessons, into my own eyes. What emotions!
And from then until now (I train 4 times a week professionally), I have had the most amazing teachers/teachers.
I like to mention them. It started with Ineke Huissen, Karel Vandeweghe, Jane Lord, Martin Meng, Rinus Sprong and Thom Stuart of the Dutch Don't Dance Division, Iqbal Khawaja and Nicolas Rapaic. They have all taken me step by step further with my classical lessons, for which I am so grateful. The schools where I do these classes are Amsterdam Dance Centre, the Chassé Dance Studios and the Henny Juriëns foundation. And I have never had back problems again.
My big dream of becoming a ballerina had failed but I was already so happy to be able to dance again. And then came that wonderful moment when Jane Lord told me to apply to the National Ballet because she thought I could do extras roles. Took the bold shoes (not ballet shoes) and I applied. And was allowed, at my age, to join The National Ballet.
And yesterday I got the message that I could join Sleeping Beauty again for the whole month of December.
My dream has "turned" into my fairy tale, which has become a reality. To be back in the beautiful Music Theatre throughout December 2017 with all those wonderful dancers.
I can only say: Live life in all its facets, whatever it may be, beautiful things, sad things , painful things, fascinating things. If you can really "live it, you will grow and be happy". And how grateful I am for all the beauty that comes my way.
The blossom remedies have played a big part in this and have given me a lot of strength throughout my life.
This is what I wish for all of you.
And should you want to see this wonderful performance, just order tickets soon before it sells out.
Madeleine Meuwessen
A quote from a client: Peer doesn't bother anymore!
In spring, I turn the tree into the beautiful blossom remedy Pear and in winter I enjoy these delicious stewing pears!
Pear is the flower remedy for those who, after many failures, have lost courage in a seemingly hopeless situation. Pear also helps with long-term illnesses, where there is no hope of recovery and the patient no longer believes in salvation.
If you have encountered difficulties many times in your life and at the next obstacle you already think: this will probably go wrong again, Peer helps you to get the job done. If you suffer from depression, or have failed your exams many times, that you have ended up in a dark swamp or that everything seems hopeless.
These people genuinely suffer from deep despair, everything appears bleak and empty to them. They have already tried a lot and have experienced so many disappointments in the process that they no longer want to go on. Any further effort seems futile to them, there is no one else to help them anyway. They no longer even complain about their suffering, because even that seems useless to them. They are often persuaded by family members to make another attempt, but only to please them. Inwardly, they are convinced in advance that the venture will come to nothing.
Often, they usually have a pale complexion and dark circles under the eyes.
Remember in the previous blog I dedicated to the Bali blossom remedy? Sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint exactly whether you are suffering from the negative mood of Bali or Peer. A kind of donkey bridge is that Bali people "feel" that their situation is hopeless and with Pear that the mind says that nothing but nothing can help them anymore.
A good example: concerns a man, 37 years old, has been living with his girlfriend for several years, no children.
The man holds a senior position at a US company.
He hands me a report from two psychologists who tested him on behalf of his employer.
He has worked at this company for 13 years. He has climbed a step higher on the ladder each time.
He has no real physical complaints at all (he says), except suffering from dizziness, headaches, muscle pain, pain in neck and back, problems sleeping, cannot relax and is irritable.
Has had 2 x panic symptoms last month accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations, fear of losing control and sweating.
These are not real physical complaints according to him, but feeling uncomfortable in his skin. He doesn't remember when this feeling started, about five years ago, but he does know that it crept in so slowly.
He often feels that he is looking for something that will change his life, but by God does not know what. He feels mentally jaded and that his performance is impaired. He tends to avoid certain busy situations, such as standing in a queue at a shop.He feels that he is being watched in those situations. He also has difficulty going out alone, as he experiences feelings of embarrassment. He indicates that his complaints are work-related. And for the past two months, he has not been working at all.
According to the report:
Diagnosis according to DSM-IV
AsI: 300.81 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder (burnout)
Axis II: ---
Axis III: back pain
Axis IV: stress work: high
Axis V: Gaf score:
Therapy proposal:
Cognitive behavioural therapy according to the burn-out protocol, focusing on relaxation training, stress management and identifying and modifying dysfunctional cognitions in the field of perfectionism, among others. Moreover, if panic symptoms do not diminish sufficiently, attention to this through cognitive therapy and exposure exercises.
Guiding work resumption.
For me, the most important thing at the beginning was that although he said he had given up all hope, he still came to me literally "by the hand" of his sister. This meant that somewhere, he did hope for a miracle and wanted to "take on" the therapy.
Why did I never forget this client? Well, from his Armani suits!
Once we got down to business, one of the first things he did was give his Armani suits (which he was quite proud of) to his domestic help. He no longer needed these. After that, he and his girlfriend parted on good terms.
Eventually, he said goodbye to the company he worked for. Started up for himself in a completely different industry...and very successful! Got married to the love of his life and together they have two little daughters. And has become, despite things always coming your way, a very happy man.
If I had "overlooked" Peer's state of mind, a blockage would have occurred and the whole treatment could have taken much longer.
The therapist does not exactly have an easy time with his Peer people. Also, what are you supposed to do with someone, who no longer believes in healing or even alleviating his symptoms himself and does not even come to you of his own accord?
Peer people's inner defences are the biggest obstacle on the road to health. As a therapist, you may feel that the treatment merely serves as an alibi
serves and the (expected) failure for the family should serve as evidence of the incurability of the disease. Thus, failure of any therapy is included in the programme in advance.
If, contrary to expectations, an improvement - albeit modest - occurs, the therapy is discontinued on the grounds that such little progress is not worth the effort. After all, the patient had already resigned himself to having to bear his symptoms until the end of his life.
And now the flower remedy Pear can help lift the inner blockage so that the client opens up to treatment. The inner clinging to the disease is ultimately the cause of incurability. Pear works in such a case as a psychic 'persuasive agent' and is absolutely necessary to be used with all chronic degenerative ailments where stagnation in healing has set in and the success of treatment is stagnating.
For people who have been diagnosed with an incurable illness, or a hopeless feeling in their lives, the flower remedy Pear can mean a huge amount.
I would like to emphasise very strongly that this remedy cannot cure the illness so there are absolutely no false or incorrect expectations. I personally see this remedy as a helping hand through which people regain a handle and hope to fight against their illness or hopelessness.
The blossom remedy Pear gives you the inner strength and returns your confidence. If you claim for yourself that you can do it, you can do it.
Pear gives you back the sparkly feeling, deep inside. The "happy feeling" as I always call it. Knowing, even from your rational mind, that things will be fine now. You can embrace life again with full confidence because it "gives back" your inner, true trust in life.
Shall we do this in the drinking water of the Netherlands?
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Bali - Canavalia Rosea
The flower is called Canavalia Rosea and during the time I made this remedy, I did not find a Dutch name for the plant anywhere and simply called this beautiful little plant Bali.
Bali people are not always so easy to spot.
In this state of mind, they inwardly gave up the fight.
They feel unhappy and completely let themselves go without doing anything to change their condition.
Because they can no longer imagine that anything will ever change about their situation, they settle without complaining; they are apathetic, no longer participate, no longer show any interest in their surroundings. Much leaves them indifferent, as they assume that everything is pointless anyway.
They assume that their calamity was pre-ordained by fate, that their illness was hereditary or absolutely incurable, who knows caused by karma.
This often plays a latent (meaning states of mind overcome, but the physical symptoms {fatigue} still exists even after years) role and can unconsciously still play a part in everything you do
It is very important to know whether the person has been despondent once in life.
Concentrating is hard!
Even the slightest mental exertion e.g. reading can cause dizziness, headaches and weaknesses
They also often lack any stimulus and often speak in soundless tones
Getting out of bed is difficult, preferring to sleep all day, having no appetite for food, losing interest in things and feeling severely depressed.
Any physical exertion is also impossible, as every attempt to do so provokes another attack of weakness.
Although they constantly crave rest, no improvement in their condition occurs as a result of sleep, on the contrary , sleep often seems to exhaust them even more.
A clue may be that they often look pale, blood pressure may be greatly reduced and often cannot be normalised with medication.
In many cases, they no longer even go to a doctor on their own, but are brought by someone, and because they expect nothing from the therapy in advance, you can hear them asking, "What would it be good for?"
This state of mind one of the strongest therapy blocks.
I also always ask how the top of the back feels and I am referring to the 7th cervical vertebra.
Many energy pathways run there and it is of utmost importance that this part of the back is also treated with blossom remedies because there is a strong therapy blockage here.
Sometimes it seems they simply have no interest in healing.
The feeling feels like the person is paralysed. The mind says: You have to do something. The body, however, does not cooperate. They often don't get to the doctor on their own: What good would it do?
And also sometimes Bali people who are even harder to spot. Even though they are active, they no longer expect anything from life. They only work out of a sense of duty (Daisy-component), there are also many who can inspire others and drag them along, without being inwardly involved (Queen of the Coasts-component), others even make an outwardly cheerful impression and try to hide their inner emptiness from their surroundings (Knotweed-component)
The difference between the flower remedy Pear and Bali is that with Pear, the SENSE says that nothing more can help and with Bali, their CONSTANT says that nothing more can improve their condition.
Years ago, a psychotherapist came to me because many of his patients had found their way to me and were doing exceptionally well. He also wanted to know if this was really doing anything or if it was all placebo. His mind said such a thing could not be true. In the end, he was doing his job as a psychotherapist and he could help people, that was his profession, but he had his doubts whether what he was doing would work or not...... How glad he was to find out that remedies really did do what they were "supposed" to do. He went through the whole process of flower therapy and I never saw him again.
Report from a client with her consent:
Dear Madeleine,
Once upon a time............
This is how fairy tales begin. That life is not a fairy tale I knew a long time ago, I just struggled to accept this and tried to convince myself otherwise.
Our first meeting is still very clear in my mind. You were the first one who could get through to me completely, who took me seriously and more importantly, who understood what I felt and meant, unlike others who were too close to form an objective picture. Yet we never had a 'professional' relationship. With you, I had such a familiar feeling from the very beginning that I told you things that others still don't know to this day. In other words, you became my guru and guided me towards a decision that proved inescapable for my personal happiness. You let me do this at my own temp and made sure I figured it out 'myself' without pressure in the process.
Now we are four years on and I have taken the step I was so afraid (say panicked) of in the beginning. The last time I visited you, we forgot to make a new appointment. I am a bit lax and before I knew it, the drops were gone. Another new experience, I didn't panic but decided to try how it went without the drops. I turned out to be strong enough to get through the terrible period that followed without drops and you as my safety net. Not for a moment did I forget you. I also called a few times, but then the phone was busy. I know how annoying it is when you have a client and the phone keeps bothering you. Calling in the evening is out of the question for me, I know how busy you are and how precious the time you can spend with your family is. Before you know it, we are then suddenly a few months down the line and we are still alive.
I will visit you again soon as a customer. Finally, we both need the opportunity to end this period on a good note. I think I am far enough along to make room for those who are now standing where I stood four years ago. In any case, I find it a safe and pleasant feeling that should I descend to depths I cannot get out of without help again, I know someone I can turn to.
I close with the words that everything you have done for me cannot be described by any pen. You were there when I needed you most. You have changed a huge number of things and ways of thinking. Life is still not a fairy tale and the prince on the white horse will never come. However, my expectations have changed in such a way that sometimes life without a fairy tale still turns out in a fairy-tale way.
Lots of love,
Bali blossom remedy makes the "paralysing" feeling disappear, your energy return and you regain interest in everyday life.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.
Following the blog: Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part III, in which I explained how flower therapy works, here comes once again the description of the Basic Combination. And you can also see that the blossom remedies, which are in this combination, are the external and decompensation remedies, as it shows on my "working out list" + Pink Yarrow for extra protection ( so you experience less energy loss).
Keywords of this combination are: Total emotional calm and relaxation.
I don't call this remedy Basic Combination for nothing, it works on the basis of life that is under pressure for many people these days: all the busyness, all the demands placed on everyone inside and outside work, the hectic nature of these times in all its forms, the insecurity that this creates in some people, the stress it causes.
This remedy helps when all this becomes too much for you because basic security is no longer obvious, when you worry about tomorrow's day.
In this day and age, you are busy with all the social media and sometimes experience fear of missing things, which brings a constant feeling of restlessness.
When a "burn-out" is lurking, when you experience insomnia, lie sweating in your bed at night and feel a lot of tension, the Basic Combination ensures that peace comes into your whole system.
This combination is not called Basic Combination for nothing: it works on the feeling of being totally stuck and not knowing where to start, the basics of life.
It helps in restoring peace in your whole system, it helps in restoring the basics of life.
Not that it was the cause of all the problems solves, but you could say it "taps" all meridians without "resetting" them completely. For some people, tapping is enough to remind them again of how things were, for others it is enough to find the peace of mind to look at their situation of life and from there make choices again that fit them better. Sometimes it turns out that someone needs a bit more help to recover: that's where other blossoms may come into the picture to use.
You can take this flower remedy over a longer period of time.
The blossom remedies contained in these ready-to-use 30ml bottles are:
Star of Bethlehem (comfort)
Pear (hope)
Turquoise (change, breaking new ground)
Cucumberweed (able to see problems in the right proportions)
Cucumberweed II (as above with even more "masculine" power)
Hosta (feel protected)
Houttuynnia Cordata (peace of mind)
Firethorn (loving yourself as you are)
Christmas plum (physical relaxation)
Hydrangea (clarity of mind)
Wild Apple (seeing things in perspective)
Trinity (believe again)
Motherwort (living in the now)
Rose (loving others)
Immortelle (letting the sun shine in your heart)
Bali (energy)
Daisy (taking your own rest)
Pink Yarrow ( choosing your own path)
I have chosen to use keywords for all remedies. In the course of time, the blossom remedies that have not yet been described will also be discussed in detail.
Madeleine Meuwessen
*Bloom remedies are no substitute for medication. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.