Madeleine Meuwessen

Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part II

Where and when will mainstream and complementary finally start working together???? Part II

Peter C. Gotzsche has written the book Deadly Psychiatry.
The back of the book reads:
"It takes a lot of courage to become a whistleblower".
Dr Dick Bijl, physician and epidemiologist writes on the back of the book:
"Psychiatry is in deep crisis. Children are committing suicide because of faulty drugs. Psychiatrists are massively prescribing psychopharmaceuticals that often result in more side effects and deaths than they contribute to improving patients' lives. According to Peter Gotzsche, around 500,000 patients die each year in Europe and the US due to psychopharmaceutical use. On top of this, manufacturers and researchers engage in widespread fraud, while many psychiatrists deny that there are problems in their field. Hopefully, Gotzsche's criticism will also help open up the debate in the Netherlands and Belgium on the sense and nonsense of psychopharmaceuticals."

The beginning of a collaboration between regular and complementary?

The following can seem quite technical and I will make it more insightful with a case.
The therapy concept of the New Therapies is essentially based on four principles.

You should consider the relationships between the blossoms, viz.

Through relationships between the blossoms, it becomes clear which blossoms cover the superficial side of a complaint and which the deeper cause. Thus, a hierarchical classification is established that determines the final therapy. This is a very important tool, especially when the patient apparently needs a large number of blossoms and one does not know where to start. If the actual complaints have been removed, then according to this classification it is possible to check which hidden negative soul concepts have led to the existing complaints.

A few years ago, a young woman who was referred to me by a well-known psychiatrist comes to me.
She has been taking Fluoxetine for some time at that point and her symptoms do not change.
She is an architect, wants to get married and have children however as long as she is on this medication, she does not dare to do so.
She filled in my usual questionnaire, and what comes out of it in particular is the blossom remedy Cherry Plum (see blog 6 and 12 March 2016).
I show her what this remedy stands for and she replies to me "as if these were my own words".
She has many compulsive thoughts and fears.
She also tells me that she had a serious accident as a young child and had a big scar from this.......but yes, that was so long ago (her own words).
She also has intense nightmares, a lot of stress at work, suffers from feelings of guilt, a lot of pimples on her chin, she is regularly nauseous, feels quite nervous as if she has to perform something, does not know if this work is really what she wants, likes to put things off, is incredibly tired, regrets certain things from the past, actually thinks deep down inside herself that it will never go away and it just grinds and grinds in her head.
I started working from "outside" to "inside". And told her that she absolutely must not stop taking the medication. I also told her that at some point the time will come when, in consultation with the psychiatrist, she can reduce this medication.
Beneath the negative state of mind of Kerspuim lies the trauma of the accident. For this is the remedy Love and Hope, which has not yet been described.
By going one step at a time, you eventually get to the real cause of her complaints.
And to make a very long story short:
She is married, has two wonderful children, medication has been completely phased out and she is now changing her field of work.

(Written with the client's permission).

2. Diagnosis according to the skin zones of the blossom remedies
Associated with each blossom remedy are zones on the skin, similar to the foot reflex zones. With negative moods, changes in the energetic structure occur in these places, often accompanied by pain or sensitivity disorders. In this way, purely on the basis of the place, we can make flower diagnoses.

Therefore, every time I describe a blossom remedy, I can mention a number of skin zones that each time say something of the negative state of mind a person is in.

3. Applications of the blossoms on the skin
By directly applying the relevant blossoms (in diluted form, never pure drops) or a corresponding essential oil to the dysregulated areas, we can significantly increase the effect of the blossoms. This way can work a supportive or faster effect of the blossom remedies but also physical complaints often disappear faster by treating the skin area in question.
Flower therapy is therefore not only the deepest form of psychotherapy you can imagine but also a therapy to treat physical complaints.

4. Objective diagnostic capabilities
Direct correspondences exist between the blossom traces on the one hand (by this I mean e.g. Yarrow, Forgiveness and Firethorn) that result from the interrelationships between the blossoms, and the acupuncture meridians on the other. Ultimately, meridians and blossom tracks are manifest of the same principle, but on two different levels. This fact provides a whole range of new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.
For instance, we can deduce from the course of the meridians which blossom tracks we need. The same applies to the Chinese meridian clock, which, in the case of complaints that occur at a certain time each time, provides clues for choosing the right flower remedies.

I will explain the above point by point more clearly.
Krämer has discovered with his New Therapies that remedies have a relationship with each other. As a result, a whole new classification has been made regarding remedies.
He divided the blossoms into two major groups, namely: internal and external blossoms.

The external blossoms include the negative soul concepts, created by external influences or in response to external influences. An example is the remedy Star of Bethlehem.

Star of Bethlehem is the remedy for all those situations, which somehow have not been processed. These can be psychological shocks, disappointments, consequences of past shock e.g. from your childhood, but also a birth trauma.
Physical injuries also belong to the indication area of this remedy, think concussion or fractures.
Star of Bethlehem people have suffered injuries that have left them vulnerable. The trauma has left deep psychological wounds. With every injury, this old wound is reopened and it seems like every injury hurts more.
I always ask patients if they feel like a knife is being plunged into the old wound and the knife is going deeper every time. So much so that an apparently minor hurt is no longer bearable. This, when it comes to hurts, is always recognised.

Babies, who cry at night because of a birth trauma: give a few drops of Star of Bethlehem in the bottle, if you are breastfeeding, take these remedies yourself or put the Star of Bethlehem in the bath water and, unbelievably or not, the baby sleeps right through.

A young mother came to me once. She had a two-year-old daughter who demanded quite a lot from her and she had just given birth to her second daughter. The baby was now two months old and had not slept through the night. The father, who had a busy job, was already sleeping at his parents' house two nights a week to unwind a bit and the mother was at her wits' end. I explained what this remedy could do. Actually, the parents did not believe me. The day after the baby was given the remedy, the mother called me. In the morning, they had woken up with a huge fright, ran to the baby's room with the fear of cot death in their heads: as it turned out, the baby was still sleeping soundly.

Back to the relationship between the remedies.
Internal blossoms are divided into 12 groups. One group, called trace, consists of a communication blossom, a compensation blossom and a decompensation blossom.
The communication blossoms are the first 12 remedies discovered by Dr Bach. These flower concepts respond to our purest inherent nature. They symbolise the way we communicate with our environment.
If we act in accordance with our Higher Self, then they embody positive soul concepts such as bravery, for example. If communication with our Higher Self is blocked, then communication with our environment is also impaired and we react e.g. anxiously. So we experience the negative soul concepts of this blossom, which in turn gives rise to problems. Yet problems as such do not exist, they are situations. A situation only becomes a problem when we cannot get out of it and fear starts to dominate us.
When the lesson of communication blossoms is not learned, we try to compensate for this weakness. For example, fear (when the fear relates to concrete things) - is compensated by, you are still only concerned with yourself and thinking only about yourself. Everything with these people revolves around their own person. Their sentences usually start with 'I'. Edward Bach describes these people as 'tangles'. They are people who suffer from hypochondria and often also have palpitations on the inside of the left breast. Something that is often not taken seriously by the mainstream side. While suffering from hypochondria should really be taken very seriously! Surely it is terrible always living with the fear of having a heart attack or any other disease!
In the above example, the patient has periods of deep dejection, which occur without recognisable cause or external trigger ( a true endogenous depression). These are the decompensation states. These are the psychological end states. Those involved see them as a dark hole, which they have fallen into at some point and cannot get out of on their own. The first goal of therapy is to lift the negative soul conceptions of the external and decompensation states. Only then is the consciousness able to take deeper soul concepts in hand.

The relationships between remedies and skin zones
After years of research, Dietmar Krämer divided the body into 243 skin zones, each corresponding to a remedy.
Edward Bach was already treating patients with poultices containing Bach blossoms.
Bach thought the method should be as simple as possible. "If I am hungry, I go into the garden and pick a head of lettuce. If I am scared, I take a dose of Mimulus.

Skin zone therapy with the blossom remedies makes treatment even easier. Eligible remedies can be read directly from the body - based only on the localisation of the symptoms.

The relationship between remedies and meridians
When taking whole spores of Bach remedies, reactions often occurred that could not be explained with the theory behind Bach flower therapy, but could be explained with acupuncture theory and the theory behind homeopathy. Dietmar Krämer started systematically investigating the effects, which resulted from taking the whole spores. For instance, he noticed that negative states of mind constantly worsened in spite of taking the right remedies - a reaction known only from homeopathy. For example, there was an improvement in a Bach blossom Olive state when Olive and Impatiens were taken; when Impatiens, Olive and Oak were taken at the same time, the state got worse and worse.
If you look at the similarity between the Impatiens track and the liver meridian, a key indication of this meridian is: states of exhaustion, while the Impatiens track can be briefly described as the blossom track of physical overload and predatory behaviour.

It will be clear that one should never take a trail with Bach remedies, but only a trace combination with the external remedies ('according to the Cycle of Change')
I can imagine it is dizzying at the above, but I promise to write more easily and insightfully in the next blog.

Following what I wrote above, you should be very careful with Bach remedies.

Over the years, Star Remedies blossom remedies have shown that with them, these side effects did not occur and the results were faster while still indirectly treating the meridians.

So was this the reason that Micha and I needed to make remedies so badly?
How I would love to do a double-blind study with two large groups of people, suffering from endogenous depression, taking or not taking medication.
One group the right flower remedies and the other group placebo. Despite the fact that placebo also seems to work (people's self-healing ability is "tapped"), the difference between the two groups will be huge.My great belief. In part III of these blogs, I will explain why I am so convinced of this!

Also, Part III will provide insight into the structure of this therapy. And why it is clear to me that flower remedies have nothing to do with the placebo effect. And will follow my explanation of why flower remedies act on the neural networks of humans and animals.

Madeleine Meuwessen

Use of Blossom Remedies

The most important thing with blossom remedies is the frequency of intake. Blossom remedies are best taken as often as possible in a day with the golden guideline being; 4 to 6 times a day, with 4 drops at a time from the dispensing bottle. To use blossom remedies and a user bottle, here are the simple steps; take a clean and unused 30ml pipette bottle. First, fill the pipette bottle with spring water. After this, add one teaspoon of brandy as a preservative, then add the blossom remedies.

Take the stock bottle or stock bottles of the chosen blossom remedies and put 3 drops of each into the 30ml. pipette bottle. A second golden guideline is; 1 drop from the stock bottle(s) to 10ml of spring water. There is no need to shake the bottle before use as it only contains the vibrations of the plants and has no actual material content.

Then take 4 drops from the user bottle and drip it under the tongue. If you touch the dropper with the tongue, mould may develop in the bottle. Repeat taking the blossom remedies at least 4 to 6 times a day.

Flower remedies are not a substitute for medication and do not replace doctors or medical specialists. Please note that in case of doubt you should always consult a doctor.